为什么 pointfree.io 选择 liftM2 而不是 liftA2?

Why did pointfree.io choose liftM2 instead of liftA2?

我最近正在为 ISBN Verifier exercise at Exercism, and when I ran this function through pointfree.io:

\c -> isDigit c || c == 'X'


liftM2 (||) isDigit ('X' ==)

为什么 pointfree.io 从 Control.Monad 选择 liftM2 而不是从 Control.Applicative 选择 liftA2

事实是 Control.MonadControl.Applicative 大很多。

Monads 已经在 Haskell 98 年,而关于 applicative functors 的论文是在 2007 年介绍的。Hackage 中的包从 2005 年就存在了。


Due to historical accident, applicative functors were not implemented as a superclass of Monad, but as a separate type class. It turned out that, in practice, there was very little demand for such a separation, so in 2014, it was proposed to make Applicative retroactively a superclass of Monad.
