为 Azure Bot 创建 Facebook Messenger 频道时出错

Error when creating Facebook Messenger Channel for Azure Bot

我在为 Azure 机器人配置 Facebook Messenger 频道时遇到此错误。 可能是因为最近 Facebook 平台发生了变化。 这个错误有什么解决办法吗?

这很可能是因为 Akshay 指出,Facebook 目前正在暂停添加新的机器人程序:

As it relates to Messenger, we are currently pausing app review, which means there will be no new bots/experiences added to the platform while we review our policies and make necessary adjustments.

以下是来自 Facebook 的公告的link: https://messenger.fb.com/newsroom/messenger-platform-changes-in-development/