如何在 FSI 中将 Deedle DataFrame 显示为漂亮的 table?

How do I display a Deedle DataFrame as a nice table in FSI?

阅读文章 Analyzing and Visualizing Data with F# (https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/analyzing-and-visualizing-data-with-f-sharp/page/2/analyzing-data-using-f-and-deedle) 我收集到(可能是错误的)可以在 FSharp Interactive 中显示 Deedle DataFrame 的内容(FSI) 作为一个不错的 table。


When you create a data frame, F# Interactive formats it nicely so you can get a quick idea about the data. For example, in Table 2-1 you can see the ranges of the values and which values are frequently missing.

这些行之前有一个漂亮的 table 显示 DataFrame 的内容。


> df;;
val it : Frame<int,string> =
    {ColumnCount = 2;
     ColumnIndex = Deedle.Indices.Linear.LinearIndex`1[System.String];
     ColumnKeys = seq ["A"; "B"];
     ColumnTypes = seq [System.Int32; System.Int32];
     Columns = series [ A => series [ 0 => 1; 1 => 2; 2 => 3; 3 => 4; 4 => 5;  ... ; 9 => 10]; B => series [ 0 => 11; 1 => 12; 2 => 13; 3 => 14; 4 => 15;  ... ; 9 => 20]];
     ColumnsDense = series [ A => series [ 0 => 1; 1 => 2; 2 => 3; 3 => 4; 4 => 5;  ... ; 9 => 10]; B => series [ 0 => 11; 1 => 12; 2 => 13; 3 => 14; 4 => 15;  ... ; 9 => 20]];
     IsEmpty = false;
     Item = ?;
     Item = ?;
     RowCount = 10;
     RowIndex = Deedle.Indices.Linear.LinearIndex`1[System.Int32];
     RowKeys = seq [0; 1; 2; 3; ...];
     Rows = series [ 0 => series [ A => 1; B => 11]; 1 => series [ A => 2; B => 12]; 2 => series [ A => 3; B => 13]; 3 => series [ A => 4; B => 14]; 4 => series [ A => 5; B => 15];  ... ; 9 => series [ A => 10; B => 20]];
     RowsDense = series [ 0 => series [ A => 1; B => 11]; 1 => series [ A => 2; B => 12]; 2 => series [ A => 3; B => 13]; 3 => series [ A => 4; B => 14]; 4 => series [ A => 5; B => 15];  ... ; 9 => series [ A => 10; B => 20]];}

所以我尝试安装 FSLab,但它似乎与我之前安装的软件包版本不兼容。安装没有完成,我收到以下消息:

Severity    Code    Description Project File    Line    Suppression State
Error       Unable to resolve dependencies. 'FSharp.Data 2.4.6' is not compatible with 'FsLab 1.0.2 constraint: FSharp.Data (= 2.3.2)'.         0   



1) 我真的可以得到一个很好的 table 来显示 FSIDeedle DataFrame 的内容吗(就像一个人所做的那样,例如 RStudio 对于 R)?

2) 如果是,我应该怎么做才能在不向后移动我安装的软件包版本的情况下可视化这样的 table?

如果您使用包中包含的 Deedle.fsx 加载脚本引用 Deedle,F# Interactive 的打印机会自动注册:

#load "packages/Deedle/Deedle.fsx"
open Deedle

let df = 
  [ "First" => Series.ofValues [1;2;3;4]
    "Second" => Series.ofValues [1;2;3;4] ]
  |> frame

如果您使用 Paket 和 运行 上面的代码引用 Deedle,您会变得很好 print-out。或者,您也可以通过显式调用获得相同的输出:
