我们如何在 Python openpyxl 包中使用 iter_rows()?

How we can use iter_rows() in Python openpyxl package?

我在 Python(Canopy) 中使用 openpyxl 包来使用 excel 文件。我们在 link 中有这个教程:LINK

you can also use the openpyxl.worksheet.Worksheet.iter_rows() method:

>>> tuple(ws.iter_rows('A1:C2'))
((<Cell Sheet1.A1>, <Cell Sheet1.B1>, <Cell Sheet1.C1>),
 (<Cell Sheet1.A2>, <Cell Sheet1.B2>, <Cell Sheet1.C2>))

>>> for row in ws.iter_rows('A1:C2'):
...        for cell in row:
...            print cell
<Cell Sheet1.A1>
<Cell Sheet1.B1>
<Cell Sheet1.C1>
<Cell Sheet1.A2>
<Cell Sheet1.B2>
<Cell Sheet1.C2>

如何在 python 中导入 openpyxl.worksheet.Worksheet.iter_rows() 方法?我使用了这段代码:

import openpyxl as op
ms = op.load_workbook('mtest.xlsx')

ws = ms.active



type object 'Worksheet' has no attribute 'iter_rows' 


tutorial, you need to call the iter_rows method on an instance of a worksheet, for example (for openpyxl 2.5.14 或更早版本所示:

>>> for row in ws.iter_rows('A1:C2'):
...        for cell in row:
...            print cell

>>> for row in ws.iter_rows(min_row=1, max_col=3, max_row=2):
...    for cell in row:
...        print(cell)
<Cell Sheet1.A1>
<Cell Sheet1.B1>
<Cell Sheet1.C1>
<Cell Sheet1.A2>
<Cell Sheet1.B2>
<Cell Sheet1.C2>

如您的错误消息所述,您在 Worksheet 类型 上调用它,这将不起作用;它需要在 object:

op.worksheet.Worksheet.iter_rows()  # wrong

另请参见另一个答案中的 this example

对于旧版本的 openpyxl,您可能需要确保在加载工作簿时启用迭代器 - 请参阅 this thread。较新的版本不需要这样做。

这是我刚刚在 Python REPL(使用 openpyxl 1.8.3)中测试的完整示例:

>>> import openpyxl as op
>>> wb = op.load_workbook('/tmp/test.xlsx', use_iterators=True)
>>> ws = wb.active
>>> for row in ws.iter_rows():
...   for cell in row:
...     print cell
RawCell(row=1, column='A', coordinate='A1', internal_value=1.0, data_type='n', style_id='0', number_format='general')
RawCell(row=1, column='B', coordinate='B1', internal_value=10.0, data_type='n', style_id='0', number_format='general')