语义问题:属性 的类型与访问器的类型不匹配

Semantic Issue: Type of property does not match type of accessor

我目前正在使用带有 iOS 10 SDK 的 theos 来尝试开发我的调整。我正在尝试将 NSString 设为 属性,然后对其进行合成。现在,我遇到了这个:"Semantic Issue: type of property 'systemVersion' does not match type of accessor 'setSystemVersion:'"


    @interface ALDevice : NSObject
    NSString *_systemVersion;
@property(readonly, nonatomic) NSString *systemVersion;
- (void)setSystemVersion:(id)arg1;

@implementation ALDevice
@synthesize systemVersion = _systemVersion;
- (void)setSystemVersion:(id)arg1{


./ALDevice.h:13:42: error: type of property 'systemVersion' does not match type of accessor 'setSystemVersion:' [-Werror]
@property(readonly, nonatomic) NSString *systemVersion;
./ALDevice.h:19:1: note: declared here
- (void)setSystemVersion:(id)arg1;


由于 _systemVersion 是 readonly 属性,它会抛出错误,请改用 strong

@interface ALDevice : NSObject
    NSString *_systemVersion;
@property(strong, nonatomic) NSString *systemVersion;
- (void)setSystemVersion:(id)arg1;