获取在线用户列表 PubNub 始终为零 Objective C

Get list of online users PubNub always nil Objective C

我的问题与 相同,但似乎没有有用的答案。

  1. I registed client with Pub & Sub key with Presence = YES
  2. I subsrcibed to "My channel" and could send msg to it
  3. I used debug console in PubNub admin to create 2 others clients, I could send msg together
  4. I enable Presence in Admin (http://prntscr.com/iyv7b1)
  5. I get list user that subscribe "My channel" by function:
[client hereNowForChannel:@"My channel" withVerbosity:PNHereNowState completion:^(PNPresenceChannelHereNowResult *result, PNErrorStatus *status)
     if (!status) {

     else {
         UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Error" message:@"Couldn't get list of user." delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"Close" otherButtonTitles:nil];

         [alert show];


PNHereNowState -> PNHereNowUUID -> PNHereNowOccupancy




[client hereNowForChannel:client.globalChannel withCompletion:^(PNPresenceChannelHereNowResult *result, PNErrorStatus *status)
     if (!status) {
         PNPresenceChannelHereNowData *data = result.data;
         if (data) {
             NSArray *list = [data uuids];

     else {


属性data,如果还没有访问它,它不会被设置值,所以我调用了PNPresenceChannelHereNowData *data = result.data; 它有数据。