自动导航空白 link 按钮显示三个不同父页面的下拉菜单

Auto Nav blank link button to display dropdown with three different parent pages

Image to describe issue better

我的老板正在寻找在导航栏中设置的导航 link,它本身不是页面,而是在下拉列表中显示 3 个单独的父页面 (www.website.com/turkey、/希腊、/意大利)。他希望为新网站保留 url 结构以避免过多的重定向,这个问题对我来说是个问题,我自己尝试解决。

Auto Nav 本身使用 php 生成基于站点结构的导航栏,因此在不进行任何 php 编辑的情况下合并它的唯一方法是将 link 设为一个页面(而不是像我的老板希望的那样只是一个空白 link),但随后它破坏了他想要遵循的 url 文件结构。

我认为这必须在 php 中解决,但我自己并不是很精通,因此非常感谢您的指导!


<?php  defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));

$navItems = $controller->getNavItems();

 * The $navItems variable is an array of objects, each representing a nav menu item.
 * It is a "flattened" one-dimensional list of all nav items -- it is not hierarchical.
 * However, a nested nav menu can be constructed from this "flat" array by
 * looking at various properties of each item to determine its place in the hierarchy
 * (see below, for example $navItem->level, $navItem->subDepth, $navItem->hasSubmenu, etc.)
 * Items in the array are ordered with the first top-level item first, followed by its sub-items, etc.
 * Each nav item object contains the following information:
 *  $navItem->url        : URL to the page
 *  $navItem->name       : page title (already escaped for html output)
 *  $navItem->target     : link target (e.g. "_self" or "_blank")
 *  $navItem->level      : number of levels deep the current menu item is from the top (top-level nav items are 1, their sub-items are 2, etc.)
 *  $navItem->subDepth   : number of levels deep the current menu item is *compared to the next item in the list* (useful for determining how many <ul>'s to close in a nested list)
 *  $navItem->hasSubmenu : true/false -- if this item has one or more sub-items (sometimes useful for CSS styling)
 *  $navItem->isFirst    : true/false -- if this is the first nav item *in its level* (for example, the first sub-item of a top-level item is TRUE)
 *  $navItem->isLast     : true/false -- if this is the last nav item *in its level* (for example, the last sub-item of a top-level item is TRUE)
 *  $navItem->isCurrent  : true/false -- if this nav item represents the page currently being viewed
 *  $navItem->inPath     : true/false -- if this nav item represents a parent page of the page currently being viewed (also true for the page currently being viewed)
 *  $navItem->attrClass  : Value of the 'nav_item_class' custom page attribute (if it exists and is set)
 *  $navItem->isHome     : true/false -- if this nav item represents the home page
 *  $navItem->cID        : collection id of the page this nav item represents
 *  $navItem->cObj       : collection object of the page this nav item represents (use this if you need to access page properties and attributes that aren't already available in the $navItem object)

/** For extra functionality, you can add the following page attributes to your site (via Dashboard > Pages & Themes > Attributes):
 * 1) Handle: exclude_nav
 *    (This is the "Exclude From Nav" attribute that comes pre-installed with concrete5, so you do not need to add it yourself.)
 *    Functionality: If a page has this checked, it will not be included in the nav menu (and neither will its children / sub-pages).
 * 2) Handle: exclude_subpages_from_nav
 *    Type: Checkbox
 *    Functionality: If a page has this checked, all of that pages children (sub-pages) will be excluded from the nav menu (but the page itself will be included).
 * 3) Handle: replace_link_with_first_in_nav
 *    Type: Checkbox
 *    Functionality: If a page has this checked, clicking on it in the nav menu will go to its first child (sub-page) instead.
 * 4) Handle: nav_item_class
 *    Type: Text
 *    Functionality: Whatever is entered into this textbox will be outputted as an additional CSS class for that page's nav item (NOTE: you must un-comment the "$ni->attrClass" code block in the CSS section below for this to work).

/*** STEP 1 of 2: Determine all CSS classes (only 2 are enabled by default, but you can un-comment other ones or add your own) ***/
foreach ($navItems as $ni) {
    $classes = array();

    if ($ni->isCurrent) {
        //class for the page currently being viewed
        $classes[] = 'nav-selected';

    if ($ni->inPath) {
        //class for parent items of the page currently being viewed
        $classes[] = 'nav-path-selected';

    if ($ni->isFirst) {
        //class for the first item in each menu section (first top-level item, and first item of each dropdown sub-menu)
        $classes[] = 'nav-first';

    if ($ni->isLast) {
        //class for the last item in each menu section (last top-level item, and last item of each dropdown sub-menu)
        $classes[] = 'nav-last';

    if ($ni->hasSubmenu) {
        //class for items that have dropdown sub-menus
        $classes[] = 'parent';

    if (!empty($ni->attrClass)) {
        //class that can be set by end-user via the 'nav_item_class' custom page attribute
        $classes[] = $ni->attrClass;

    if ($ni->isHome) {
        //home page
        $classes[] = 'nav-home';

    //unique class for every single menu item
    $classes[] = 'nav-item-' . $ni->cID;

    //Put all classes together into one space-separated string
    $ni->classes = implode(" ", $classes);

//*** Step 2 of 2: Output menu HTML ***/
echo '<div id="menu">';
echo '<ul class="nav menu">'; //opens the top-level menu

foreach ($navItems as $ni) {

    echo '<li class="' . $ni->classes . '">'; //opens a nav item

    echo '<a href="' . $ni->url . '" target="' . $ni->target . '" class="' . $ni->classes . '">' . $ni->name . '</a>';

    if ($ni->hasSubmenu) {
        echo '<ul>'; //opens a dropdown sub-menu
    } else {
        echo '</li>'; //closes a nav item
        echo str_repeat('</ul></li>', $ni->subDepth); //closes dropdown sub-menu(s) and their top-level nav item(s)

echo '</ul>'; //closes the top-level menu
echo '</div>'; //closes the top-level menu-container


$navItems = $controller->getNavItems();

$special_config = array(
  "www.website.com/turkey" /* url */=> array( "level" => 2 ),
  "www.website.com/greece" /* url */=> array( "level" => 2 )
  // .. rest special config here

foreach ($navItems as &$navItem)
    if ( isset($special_config[$navItem->url]) )
          foreach ($special_config[$navItem->url] as $k=>$v)
              // adjust navItem params as needed here by key=>value
               $navItem->{$k} = $v;

// rest code follows
// ...

您甚至可以像这样创建函数 ammend_nav_menu

function ammend_nav_menu($special_config, &$navItems)
    foreach ($navItems as &$navItem)
        if ( isset($special_config[$navItem->url]) )
              foreach ($special_config[$navItem->url] as $k=>$v)
                  // adjust navItem params as needed here by key=>value
                   $navItem->{$k} = $v;


$navItems = $controller->getNavItems();
  "www.website.com/turkey" /* url */=> array( "level" => 2 ),
  "www.website.com/greece" /* url */=> array( "level" => 2 )
  // .. rest special config here
), $navItems);

修改菜单的特殊配置甚至可以放在单独的 php 文件中并根据需要加载/更新