凝视,使用 GoogleVR 在 Unity 中显示工具提示

Gaze Over, display Tooltip in Unity with GoogleVR

有没有人知道或可以向我指出一些说明或 github 存储库,告诉我如何在我有一个对象的地方和 GoogleVr (Cardboard) 中创建一个脚本,如果我要注视一个对象,会出现一个工具提示?

如果有人熟悉,在“北极之旅”>“学习”下的 Cardboard 演示中,当您单击狐狸时,会出现一个工具提示来展示该项目以及类似的简短描述。我想要一些类似的东西(甚至可能是相同的东西),只是凝视会自动显示出来。这可能吗?


有一个引用世界 Space Canvas (WSC) 的脚本。 WSC 将成为您的工具提示,当您将鼠标悬停在对象上时它会被激活,而当您没有悬停时它会被禁用。



您可以使用 SetActive(bool) 方法来显示或隐藏 WSC。

The UI system makes it easy to create UI that is positioned in the world among other 2D or 3D objects in the Scene.

Start by creating a UI element (such as an Image) if you don’t already have one in your scene by using GameObject > UI > Image. This will also create a Canvas for you. Set the Canvas to World Space

Select your Canvas and change the Render Mode to World Space.

Now your Canvas is already positioned in the World and can be seen by all cameras if they are pointed at it, but it is probably huge compared to other objects in your Scene. We’ll get back to that.
