Android Google 云虚拟机中的工作室
Android Studio in Google Cloud VM
我已经在 Google 云上的 Windows 2012 服务器机器上安装了 Android Studio。但是,我无法在其上使用 运行 模拟器。它显示以下错误。
"HAXM doesn't support nested virtual machines"
因此您需要 enable it manually, however it is not available yet for Windows instances as you can check in the documentation 页:
Nested virtualization does not currently support Windows instances.
我已经在 Google 云上的 Windows 2012 服务器机器上安装了 Android Studio。但是,我无法在其上使用 运行 模拟器。它显示以下错误。
"HAXM doesn't support nested virtual machines"
考虑到计算引擎实例的嵌套虚拟化不是开箱即用的。 因此您需要 enable it manually, however it is not available yet for Windows instances as you can check in the documentation 页:
Nested virtualization does not currently support Windows instances.