
Calculating and storing pixelated ellipse







让我们的图像具有 xs,ys 分辨率,因此中心 (x0,y0) 和半轴 a,b 是:

a =x0-1
b =y0-1 
  1. 使用椭圆方程

    所以 2 个嵌套 for 循环 + if 决定你是在椭圆内还是在椭圆外的条件。

    for (y=0;y<ys;y++)
     for (x=0;x<xs;x++)
      if (((x-x0)*(x-x0)/(a*a))+((y-y0)*(y-y0)/(b*b))<=1.0) pixel[y][x]=color_inside;
       else pixel[y][x]=color_outside;

    你可以通过 pre-computing 等式的部分进行很多优化,只有当你改变时,一些方程在每个 x 迭代中只计算一次,其余的在每个 [=19] 中计算一次=] 迭代。还有乘法比除法好。

  2. 使用参数椭圆方程

    x(t) = x0 + a*cos(t)
    y(t) = y0 + b*sin(t)
    t = <0,2.0*M_PI>  // for whole ellipse

    所以一个 for 循环仅使用水平线或垂直线为象限的 3 个镜子创建象限坐标和内外填充线。但是这种方法需要一个缓冲区来存储一个象限的圆周点。

  3. 使用Bresenham椭圆算法

  4. 使用任何圆形算法并拉伸为椭圆

    因此只需使用 xs,ys 渲染圆圈中较小分辨率的正方形区域,然后再拉伸回 xs,ys。如果您在光栅化过程中不进行拉伸,那么您可能会创建伪像。在这种情况下,最好使用更大的分辨率并向下拉伸,但这样会较慢。

绘制椭圆并将其存储在矩阵中可以使用两种不同的方法来完成:栅格化(推荐方式)或pixel-by-pixel渲染。根据@Spektre 的评论,我想知道这两种方法是否都称为“光栅化”,因为它们都将椭圆渲染为光栅图像。不管怎样,我将解释如何在 C++ 中使用这两种方法来绘制椭圆并将其存储在矩阵中。

注意: 这里我假设矩阵的原点 matrix[0][0] 指的是图像的 upper-left 角。所以矩阵上的点由 x- 和 y-coordinate 对描述,这样 x-coordinates 向右增加; y-coordinates 从上到下递增。



在下面的示例代码中,isPointOnEllipse 函数确定点相对于椭圆的状态。它以点的坐标、椭圆中心的坐标以及semi-major和semi-minor轴的长度为参数。然后 returns 值 PS_OUTSIDEPS_ONPERIMPS_INSIDE 之一,表示该点位于椭圆之外,该点正好位于椭圆的周长上, 或者该点分别位于椭圆内部。


你必须调用ellipseInMatrixPBP函数来绘制一个椭圆,传递给它一个指向你的矩阵的指针,以及你的矩阵的宽度和高度。这个函数循环遍历矩阵中的每个像素,然后为每个像素调用 isPointOnEllipse 以查看它是在椭圆内部还是外部。最后,它相应地修改像素。

#include <math.h>

// Indicates the point lies outside of the ellipse.
#define PS_OUTSIDE  (0)
// Indicates the point lies exactly on the perimeter of the ellipse.
#define PS_ONPERIM  (1)
// Indicates the point lies inside of the ellipse.
#define PS_INSIDE   (2)

short isPointOnEllipse(int cx, int cy, int rx, int ry, int x, int y)
    double m = (x - cx) * ((double) ry) / ((double) rx);
    double n = y - cy;
    double h = sqrt(m * m + n * n);

    if (h == ry)
        return PS_ONPERIM;
    else if (h < ry)
        return PS_INSIDE;
        return PS_OUTSIDE;

void ellipseInMatrixPBP(bool **matrix, int width, int height)
    // So the ellipse shall be stretched to the whole matrix
    // with a one-pixel margin.
    int cx = width / 2;
    int cy = height / 2;
    int rx = cx - 1;
    int ry = cy - 1;

    int x, y;
    short pointStatus;
    // Loop through all the pixels in the matrix.
    for (x = 0;x < width;x++)
        for (y = 0;y < height;y++)
            pointStatus = isPointOnEllipse(cx, cy, rx, ry, x, y);
            // If the current pixel is outside of the ellipse,
            // make it black (false).
            // Else if the pixel is inside of the ellipse or on its perimeter,
            // make it white (true).
            if (pointStatus == PS_OUTSIDE)
                matrix[x][y] = false;
                matrix[x][y] = true;


如果pixel-by-pixel渲染方法太慢,则使用光栅化方法。在这里,您确定椭圆影响矩阵中的哪些像素,然后修改这些像素(例如,将它们变成白色)。与 pixel-by-pixel 渲染不同,光栅化不必通过椭圆形外部的像素,这就是为什么这种方法如此快。

要栅格化椭圆,建议您使用so-called Mid-point Ellipse algorithm,它是Bresenham 圆算法的扩展形式。

但是,我发现了一个 ellipse-drawing 算法,它可能 足够复杂 (除了它的性能)可以与 Bresenham 的算法竞争!所以我会 post 你想要的函数 - 用 C++ 编写。

下面的代码定义了一个名为 ellipseInMatrix 的函数,它用 one-pixel 笔划绘制一个椭圆,但不填充该椭圆。您需要向此函数传递一个指向矩阵的指针,该矩阵已分配 初始化为 false,加上矩阵的维度作为整数。请注意 ellipseInMatrix 在内部调用 rasterizeEllipse 函数执行主要的光栅化操作。每当此函数找到椭圆的一个点时,它会将矩阵中的相应像素设置为 true,从而使该像素变为白色。

#define pi (2 * acos(0.0))
#define coord_nil (-1)

struct point
    int x;
    int y;

double getEllipsePerimeter(int rx, int ry)
    return pi * sqrt(2 * (rx * rx + ry * ry));

void getPointOnEllipse(int cx, int cy, int rx, int ry, double d, struct point *pp)
    double theta = d * sqrt(2.0 / (rx * rx + ry * ry));
    // double theta = 2 * pi * d / getEllipsePerimeter(rx, ry);

    pp->x = (int) floor(cx + cos(theta) * rx);
    pp->y = (int) floor(cy - sin(theta) * ry);

void rasterizeEllipse(bool **matrix, int cx, int cy, int rx, int ry)
    struct point currentPoint, midPoint;
    struct point previousPoint = {coord_nil, coord_nil};
    double perimeter = floor(getEllipsePerimeter(rx, ry));
    double i;
    // Loop over the perimeter of the ellipse to determine all points on the ellipse path.
    for (i = 0.0;i < perimeter;i++)
        // Find the current point and determine its coordinates.
        getPointOnEllipse(cx, cy, rx, ry, i, &currentPoint);
        // So color the current point.
        matrix[currentPoint.x][currentPoint.y] = true;

        // So check if the previous point exists. Please note that if the current
        // point is the first point (i = 0), then there will be no previous point.
        if (previousPoint.x != coord_nil)
            // Now check if there is a gap between the current point and the previous
            // point. We know it's not OK to have gaps along the ellipse path!
            if (!((currentPoint.x - 1 <= previousPoint.x) && (previousPoint.x <= currentPoint.x + 1) && 
            (currentPoint.y - 1 <= previousPoint.y) && (previousPoint.y <= currentPoint.y + 1)))
                // Find the missing point by defining its offset as a fraction
                // between the current point offset and the previous point offset.
                getPointOnEllipse(cx, cy, rx, ry, i - 0.5, &midPoint);
                matrix[midPoint.x][midPoint.y] = true;

        previousPoint.x = currentPoint.x;
        previousPoint.y = currentPoint.y;

void ellipseInMatrix(bool **matrix, int width, int height)
    // So the ellipse shall be stretched to the whole matrix
    // with a one-pixel margin.
    int cx = width / 2;
    int cy = height / 2;
    int rx = cx - 1;
    int ry = cy - 1;

    // Call the general-purpose ellipse rasterizing function.
    rasterizeEllipse(matrix, cx, cy, rx, ry);

如果您需要像您提供的示例一样用白色像素填充椭圆,则可以使用以下代码来栅格化填充的椭圆。使用与上一个函数类似的语法调用 filledEllipseInMatrix 函数。

#define pi (2 * acos(0.0))
#define coord_nil (-1)

struct point
    int x;
    int y;

double getEllipsePerimeter(int rx, int ry)
    return pi * sqrt(2 * (rx * rx + ry * ry));

void getPointOnEllipse(int cx, int cy, int rx, int ry, double d, struct point *pp)
    double theta = d * sqrt(2.0 / (rx * rx + ry * ry));
    // double theta = 2 * pi * d / getEllipsePerimeter(rx, ry);

    pp->x = (int) floor(cx + cos(theta) * rx);
    pp->y = (int) floor(cy - sin(theta) * ry);

void fillBar(struct point seed, bool **matrix, int cx)
    int bx;
    if (seed.x > cx)
        for (bx = seed.x;bx >= cx;bx--)
            matrix[bx][seed.y] = true;
        for (bx = seed.x;bx <= cx;bx++)
            matrix[bx][seed.y] = true;

void rasterizeFilledEllipse(bool **matrix, int cx, int cy, int rx, int ry)
    struct point currentPoint, midPoint;
    struct point previousPoint = {coord_nil, coord_nil};
    double perimeter = floor(getEllipsePerimeter(rx, ry));
    double i;
    // Loop over the perimeter of the ellipse to determine all points on the ellipse path.
    for (i = 0.0;i < perimeter;i++)
        // Find the current point and determine its coordinates.
        getPointOnEllipse(cx, cy, rx, ry, i, &currentPoint);
        // So fill the bar (horizontal line) that leads from
        // the current point to the minor axis.
        fillBar(currentPoint, matrix, cx);

        // So check if the previous point exists. Please note that if the current
        // point is the first point (i = 0), then there will be no previous point.
        if (previousPoint.x != coord_nil)
            // Now check if there is a gap between the current point and the previous
            // point. We know it's not OK to have gaps along the ellipse path!
            if (!((currentPoint.x - 1 <= previousPoint.x) && (previousPoint.x <= currentPoint.x + 1) && 
            (currentPoint.y - 1 <= previousPoint.y) && (previousPoint.y <= currentPoint.y + 1)))
                // Find the missing point by defining its offset as a fraction
                // between the current point offset and the previous point offset.
                getPointOnEllipse(cx, cy, rx, ry, i - 0.5, &midPoint);
                fillBar(midPoint, matrix, cx);

        previousPoint.x = currentPoint.x;
        previousPoint.y = currentPoint.y;

void filledEllipseInMatrix(bool **matrix, int width, int height)
    // So the ellipse shall be stretched to the whole matrix
    // with a one-pixel margin.
    int cx = width / 2;
    int cy = height / 2;
    int rx = cx - 1;
    int ry = cy - 1;

    // Call the general-purpose ellipse rasterizing function.
    rasterizeFilledEllipse(matrix, cx, cy, rx, ry);