如何使用 Jmeter 为 100 个手机号码和电子邮件是唯一的用户加载测试注册 API

How to load test Sign Up API using Jmeter for 100 users where mobile number & email are unique

我必须使用 Jmeter 对 Sign UP API 执行负载测试。 注册要求:

  1. valid cell # 系统发送 SMS 代码进行验证
  2. 用户收到 link 验证的有效电子邮件地址



您可能应该使用 JDBC Request 并从数据库中获取发送的 code/link。

但如果不可能,对于电子邮件,您可以连接到同一个 gmail +${UUID()}。如果后缀不同,Gmail 至少 support 发送到同一邮件:

Here are two different ways you can modify your Gmail address and still get your mail:

Append a plus ("+") sign and any combination of words or numbers after your email address. For example, if your name was hikingfan@gmail.com, you could send mail to hikingfan+friends@gmail.com or hikingfan+mailinglists@gmail.com.

  1. 这可能很棘手,但是您可以考虑像 Spikko or 2nr and use mobile automation framework like Appium from JSR223 Test Elements in order to get SMS text from the mobile application. If you don't have a real phone you can use an emulator like Bluestacks or Genymotion
  2. 这样的第 3 方应用程序
  3. 对于电子邮件来说更容易,JMeter 附带 Mail Reader Sampler so you can fetch an email from any real box and extract confirmation URL from there, check out How to Create a JMeter Script to Check Email During Registration AND Grab the Confirmation URL 以获取更多详细信息。