BeanUtils setProperty 抛出 IllegalArgumentException

BeanUtils setProperty throws an IllegalArgumentException





项目 B项目 A 发出 HTTP 请求,该请求使用模型对象进行回复项目 C 将其转换为 JSON.

项目 B 使用 JSONObject and tries to obtain the original POJO object using BeanUtils.

解码 JSON 响应


ExamplePOJO class(项目 C 的一部分):

public class ExamplePOJO {

    private String id;

    private AnotherPOJO anotherPOJO;

    public void setId(String id) { = id;

    public String getId() {
         return id;

    public void setAnotherPOJO(AnotherPOJO anotherPOJO ) {
         this.anotherPOJO = anotherPOJO ;

    public AnotherPOJO getAnotherPOJO() {
         return anotherPOJO ;


项目 A 示例端点:

public Response getExampleResponse() {

    try {

        ServiceResponse<ExamplePOJO> response = new ServiceResponse<ExamplePOJO>();

        ExamplePOJO eo = new ExamplePOJO();

        AnotherPOJO ap = new AnotherPOJO();


        return ((ResponseBuilder) Response.ok().entity(response)).type("application/json").build();

    } catch(Exception E) {

项目 A 响应对象容器:

public class ServiceResponse<T> {

    private T response;

    public T getResponse() {
        return this.response;

    public void setResponse(T response) {
         this.response = response;


有趣的部分,项目 B

public void callService() {

    //....HTTP request...

    //json object
    JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonResponse);

    //ServiceResponseEquivalent is the same as the ServiceResponse object of *Project A*
    decodeResponse(json, ServiceResponseEquivalent.class, ExamplePOJO.class);


//this is a recursive function
public <T, V> T void decodeResponse(JSONObject json, Class<?> responseModel, Class<V> responseObjectModel) {

    //this is the same as the ServiceResponse object of *Project A*
    Object reflectedInstance = responseModel.newInstance();

    //here I got the field "response" of ServiceResponse
    Field[] fields = reflectedInstance.getClass().getDeclaredFields();
    for(Field field: fields) {

         //I got the json object based on the field name
         Object objectFromResponse = json.get(field.getName());

         if(objectFromResponse instanceof JSONObject) {

             //this is the "response" property of *ServiceResponse* which I know is an instance of *ExamplePOJO* class (because who calls this function pass *Class<V> responseObjectModel*
             if(if(field.getName().equals("response")) {

                  //recursive call
                  objectFromResponse = decodeResponse(json.getJSONObject(field.getName()), responseObjectModel, responseObjectModel);
             //here I found another object inside the "response" object but I don't know which class is it. In this case it's an instance of *AnotherPOJO*
             else {

                 //I try to get the class from the name of the property: in order to work, the property must be named as its class
                 String className = "com.example.packace." + field.getName().toUpperCase().charAt(0) + field.getName().substring(1, field.getName().length());

                //className = com.example.package.AnotherPOJO                       
                //recursive call
                objectFromResponse = decodeResponse(json.getJSONObject(field.getName()), Class.forName(className), responseObjectModel);

                //I try to set the object inside the response one
                //HERE IT FAILS
                BeanUtils.setProperty(reflectedInstance, field.getName(), objectFromResponse);

             //here we found another Object but we don't know 
         } else {

             //I add the element
             BeanUtils.setProperty(reflectedInstance, field.getName(), objectFromResponse);




    "response": { //response is an instance of ExamplePOJO
    [ ...other fields...]


decodeResponse 尝试解码递归调用中的 AnotherPOJO 对象时抛出此异常:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot invoke com.example.package.ExamplePOJO.setAnotherPOJO on bean class 'class com.example.package.ExamplePOJO' - argument type mismatch - had objects of type "com.example.package.AnotherPOJO" but expected signature "com.example.package.AnotherPOJO"

从异常中可以明显看出,这些对象是同一 class 的实例。



String className = "com.example.packace." + field.getName().toUpperCase().charAt(0) + field.getName().substring(1, field.getName().length());

 //className = com.example.package.AnotherPOJO                      
 //recursive call
 objectFromResponse = decodeResponse(json.getJSONObject(field.getName()), Class.forName(className), responseObjectModel);

有一个明显的问题,即字段必须命名为它的 class。

这似乎是 class 加载问题。 查看 Class.forName(String) 的来源,它使用来自调用者的 class 加载程序。这可能与加载目标 responseModel 的 class 加载程序不同,因此,请尝试以下操作:

//recursive call
objectFromResponse = decodeResponse(
    Class.forName(className, true, responseModel.getClassLoader()),

这应该确保模型子层次结构 classes 由相同的 class 加载器加载。

您在 field 变量中有关于 class 的信息。调用field.getType()获取当前field/property的class ...

         //here I found another object inside the "response" object.  Use information from field to get class.
         else {

             objectFromResponse = decodeResponse(json.getJSONObject(field.getName()), field.getType(), responseObjectModel);

注意: 我建议 Jackson 将 JSON 转换为 java 个对象。