setPlaybackQuality() 不再起作用
setPlaybackQuality() does not work anymore
setPlaybackQuality() 不再有效,即使在官方 YT Api 演示:
YouTube Iframe 的工作发生了哪些变化api?
如果您认为这是一个错误,也已在此 thread. You could file a bug report 中报告。
您可以在 this issue 中了解到该功能不再受支持,该方法仍然存在,但作为 no-op。
due to changes in our player infrastructure, the player will no longer
honor requests to set a manual playback quality via the API. As
documented, the player has always made a "best effort" to respect the
requested quality.
The documentation will be updated in the future to indicate this call
is no longer supported, though it will still be available as a "no-op"
for compatibility purposes.
setPlaybackQuality is now considered a "no-op"; calling this function
will not change the player behavior. The player will use a variety of
signals to determine the optimal playback quality.
Users are able to manually request a specific playback quality via the
quality selector in the player controls.
setPlaybackQuality() 不再有效,即使在官方 YT Api 演示:
YouTube Iframe 的工作发生了哪些变化api?
如果您认为这是一个错误,也已在此 thread. You could file a bug report 中报告。
您可以在 this issue 中了解到该功能不再受支持,该方法仍然存在,但作为 no-op。
due to changes in our player infrastructure, the player will no longer honor requests to set a manual playback quality via the API. As documented, the player has always made a "best effort" to respect the requested quality.
The documentation will be updated in the future to indicate this call is no longer supported, though it will still be available as a "no-op" for compatibility purposes.
setPlaybackQuality is now considered a "no-op"; calling this function will not change the player behavior. The player will use a variety of signals to determine the optimal playback quality.
Users are able to manually request a specific playback quality via the quality selector in the player controls.