为什么 Git 不让我从另一个远程检查分支?

Why won't Git let me check out a branch from an alternate remote?

我正在做一个有两个遥控器的项目,一个叫 origin,一个叫 vsts。默认遥控器是 origin。这是 git remote -v 的输出,其中一些部分匿名为 ***:

$ git remote -v origin git@bitbucket.org:***/***.git (fetch) origin git@bitbucket.org:***/***.git (push) vsts ssh://***@vs-ssh.visualstudio.com:***/DefaultCollection/***/_ssh/*** (fetch) vsts ssh://***@vs-ssh.visualstudio.com:***/DefaultCollection/***/_ssh/*** (push)

我正在尝试查看 vsts 的新分支。它被称为release/1.4.1。我在 Git 2.16.x,所以我应该可以使用 git checkout,但这是发生了什么:

$ git checkout release/1.4.1 error: pathspec 'release/1.4.1' did not match any file(s) known to git.

我想这可能是假设我的意思是 origin。所以我试试这个:

$ git checkout vsts/release/1.4.1 error: pathspec 'vsts/release/1.4.1' did not match any file(s) known to git.

我应该确保 git 可以找到分支。所以我使用 git ls-remote 来获取远程分支列表:

$ git ls-remote vsts ... abcde*** refs/heads/release/1.4.1 ...

我得到了一个分支列表和提交哈希值,release/1.4.1 绝对是其中之一。


$ git checkout -b release/1.4.1 vsts/release/1.4.1 fatal: 'vsts/release/1.4.1' is not a commit and a branch 'release/1.4.1' cannot be created from it

$ git fetch vsts release/1.4.1 From ssh://vs-ssh.visualstudio.com:***/DefaultCollection/***/_ssh/*** * branch release/1.4.1 -> FETCH_HEAD


$ git checkout -b release/1.4.1 remotes/vsts/release/1.4.1 fatal: 'remotes/vsts/release/1.4.1' is not a commit and a branch 'release/1.4.1' cannot be created from it

$ git checkout -b release/1.4.1 remotes/vsts/refs/heads/release/1.4.1 fatal: 'remotes/vsts/refs/heads/release/1.4.1' is not a commit and a branch 'release/1.4.1' cannot be created from it

如果我尝试 git pull vsts/release/1.4.1 它会成功地将远程分支 release/1.4.1 合并到当前分支,但这不是一个有用的解决方法。


问题是我的本地 git 配置搞砸了。我用git config --local -e在vim打开,发现这一段:

[remote "vsts"] url = ssh://***@vs-ssh.visualstudio.com:***/DefaultCollection/***/_ssh/*** fetch = +refs/heads/dev:refs/remotes/vsts/dev

看起来它只设置为获取 dev。我不知道它是怎么变成这样的,但我把它改成了下面这样:

[remote "vsts"] url = ssh://***@vs-ssh.visualstudio.com:***/DefaultCollection/***/_ssh/*** fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/vsts/*


$ git checkout release/1.4.1 Switched to a new branch 'release/1.4.1' Branch 'release/1.4.1' set up to track remote branch 'release/1.4.1' from 'vsts'.