为什么 Python 与 R 有两个不同的归一化结果

Why two different normalized results from Python vs R

谁能解释一下幕后的数学原理?为什么 Python 和 R return 我的结果不同?对于真实的业务场景,我应该使用哪一个?


id  cost    sales   item
1   300      50     pen
2   3        88     wf
3   1        70     gher
4   5        80     dger
5   2        999    ww


import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
df = pd.read_csv('Scale.csv')
df[['cost', 'sales']] = StandardScaler().fit_transform(df[['cost', 'sales']])

Python 归一化结果

    id     cost        sales    item
0   1   1.999876    -0.559003   pen
1   2   -0.497867   -0.456582   wf
2   3   -0.514686   -0.505097   gher
3   4   -0.481047   -0.478144   dger
4   5   -0.506276   1.998826    ww


df <- read_csv("C:/Users/Ho/Desktop/Scale.csv")
df <- df %>% mutate_each_(funs(scale(.) %>% as.vector), 


   id   cost     sales     item 

1   1   1.7887437   -0.4999873  pen
2   2   -0.4453054  -0.4083792  wf
3   3   -0.4603495  -0.4517725  gher
4   4   -0.4302613  -0.4276651  dger
5   5   -0.4528275  1.7878041   ww


我在Python中很少使用这些函数,但数据似乎暗示不同之处在于Python中的函数在计算方差时使用'n'来标准化with 和 R 使用 'n-1'。我们可以通过乘法在两者之间进行转换,下图显示乘以 sqrt(5/4) 后,来自 R 的数据与 Python 值匹配。

> tab <- read.table(textConnection("1   1   1.7887437   -0.4999873  pen
+ 2   2   -0.4453054  -0.4083792  wf
+ 3   3   -0.4603495  -0.4517725  gher
+ 4   4   -0.4302613  -0.4276651  dger
+ 5   5   -0.4528275  1.7878041   ww"))
> tab
  V1 V2                   V3                   V4   V5
1  1  1  1.78874369999999994 -0.49998730000000002  pen
2  2  2 -0.44530540000000002 -0.40837920000000000   wf
3  3  3 -0.46034950000000002 -0.45177250000000002 gher
4  4  4 -0.43026130000000001 -0.42766510000000002 dger
5  5  5 -0.45282749999999999  1.78780410000000001   ww
> # To transform as if we used n in the denominator instead of
> # n-1 we just multiply by sqrt(n/(n-1))
> tab$V3 * sqrt(5/4)
[1]  1.99987625376224520 -0.49786657257386746 -0.51468638770401975
[4] -0.48104675744371517 -0.50627653604064304
> tab$V4 * sqrt(5/4)
[1] -0.55900279534329034 -0.45658182589849106 -0.50509701018251196
[4] -0.47814411760212272  1.99882574902641608