apploader 发生 play.api.Configuration 冲突

getting play.api.Configuration conflict in apploader

我的 Apploader 出现以下错误。我不知道从哪里 ConfigurationComponents 被包含在我的代码中。

Error:(63, 7) class AppComponents inherits conflicting members:
  method configuration in class BuiltInComponentsFromContext of type => play.api.Configuration  and
  method configuration in trait ConfigurationComponents of type ()play.api.Configuration
(Note: this can be resolved by declaring an override in class AppComponents.);
 other members with override errors are: environment, applicationLifecycle, httpErrorHandler, fileMimeTypes
class AppComponents (context: Context) extends BuiltInComponentsFromContext(context)

还有,上面错误中的语句我没看懂other members with override errors are: environment, applicationLifecycle, httpErrorHandler, fileMimeTypes

我的 Apploader.scala 代码片段是

class AppComponents (context: Context) extends BuiltInComponentsFromContext(context)
  with CassandraRepositoryComponents
  with HttpFiltersComponents
  with AssetsComponents
  with CSRFComponents { ... }

我还注意到 ()=> 在语句 => play.api.Configuration and method configuration in trait ConfigurationComponents of type ()play.api.Configuration


我删除 import play.controllers.AssetsComponents 后问题得到解决。看来我错误地包含了这个文件,导致了冲突。