ZMQ 中的 EAGAIN 扩展请求回复

EAGAIN in ZMQ extended request reply

我正在尝试用 C++ 创建一个 REQ <--> 路由器 <--> 经销商 <--> REP 通信。子进程绑定路由器和经销商,路由器和经销商之间的代理,将 REP 连接到经销商并等待 zmq_recv.


父进程将 REQ 连接到路由器并尝试发送消息,但我收到 zmq_send error in parent: Resource temporarily unavailable(即 EAGAIN)。根据 zmq_send 文档,EAGAIN 表示:

Non-blocking mode was requested and the message cannot be sent at the moment.

然而,消息 确实 被发送了,因为它是在子进程中接收到的。为什么 return 那个错误号?

这里是 MCVE:

#include <zmq.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <thread>
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  char connect_path[35];
  int rc;
  int msg;
  pid_t child_pid = fork();

  if (child_pid == 0) {
    // Child
    void* child_context = zmq_ctx_new ();
    if (child_context == NULL) {
      std::cerr << "\nChild context error\n";

    void* router = zmq_socket(child_context, ZMQ_ROUTER);
    if (router == NULL) {
      perror("zmq_socket of type router error");
    char bind_path[35];

    snprintf(bind_path, sizeof(bind_path), "ipc:///tmp/zmqtest%d-router", getpid());
    rc = zmq_bind(router, bind_path);
    assert (rc == 0);

    void* dealer = zmq_socket(child_context, ZMQ_DEALER);
    if (dealer == NULL) {
      perror("zmq_socket of type dealer error");

    snprintf(bind_path, sizeof(bind_path), "ipc:///tmp/zmqtest%d-dealer", getpid());
    rc = zmq_bind(dealer, bind_path);
    assert (rc == 0);

    std::thread z_proxy (zmq_proxy, router, dealer, nullptr);

    void* rep_socket = zmq_socket (child_context, ZMQ_REP);
    if (rep_socket == NULL) {
      perror("zmq_socket of type rep error");

    snprintf(connect_path, sizeof(connect_path), "ipc:///tmp/zmqtest%d-dealer", getpid());
    rc = zmq_connect(rep_socket, connect_path);
    assert (rc == 0);

    while(1) {
      if (zmq_recv (rep_socket, &msg, sizeof(msg), 0) != 0) {
        perror("zmq_recv error");
      printf("\nReceived msg %d in process %d\n", msg, getpid());
    if (zmq_close(rep_socket) != 0) {
      perror("zmq_close of rep_socket in child error");
    if (zmq_ctx_term(child_context) != 0) {
      perror("zmq_ctx_term of child_context error");
  } else {
    // Parent

    void* parent_context = zmq_ctx_new ();
    if (parent_context == NULL) {
      std::cerr << "\nParent ctx error\n";

    void* req_socket = zmq_socket (parent_context, ZMQ_REQ);
    if (req_socket == NULL) {
      perror("zmq_socket of type req error in parent");

    snprintf(connect_path, sizeof(connect_path), "ipc:///tmp/zmqtest%d-router", child_pid);
    rc = zmq_connect(req_socket, connect_path);
    assert (rc == 0);

    msg = 30;
    if (zmq_send (req_socket, &msg, sizeof(msg), 0) != 0) {
      perror("zmq_send error in parent");

    if (zmq_close(req_socket) != 0) {
      perror("zmq_close of req_socket in parent error");
    if (zmq_ctx_term(parent_context) != 0) {
      perror("zmq_ctx_term of parent_context error");

第 1 步:进行简单测试:


 rc =           zmq_send ( req_socket, "A_TEST_BLOCK", 12, ZMQ_DONTWAIT );
 printf ( "INF: zmq_send ( req_socket, "A_TEST_BLOCK", 12, ZMQ_DONTWAIT )\nZMQ: returned rc == %d\nZMQ: zmq_errno ~ %s\n",
           zmq_strerror ( zmq_errno() )


第 2 步:post 打印输出

接下来,如果有任何 "missed" 镜头,error-analysis 可能会建议可能的原因
当且仅当 parent_ctx 确实拒绝 甚至接受来自最简单的 zmq_send() 调用它的内部排队工具 的数据这样做的明确原因).



INF: zmq_send ( req_socket, 'A_TEST_BLOCK', 12, ZMQ_DONTWAIT )
ZMQ: returned rc == 12
ZMQ: zmq_errno ~ Resource temporarily unavailable

第 3 步:


The zmq_send() function shall return number of bytes in the message if successful.


int major, minor, patch;

zmq_version ( &major, &minor, &patch );
printf ( "INF: current ØMQ version is %d.%d.%d\nZMQ: zmq_errno ~ %s\n",
          major, minor, patch,
          zmq_strerror ( zmq_errno() )

第 4 步:

如果 bleeding-edge API-updates 与已发布的 API-specification 不符,记录事件:

printf ( "EXPECT( NO ERROR, ON START ): zmq_errno ~ %s\n",
          zmq_strerror ( zmq_errno() )

printf ( "EXPECT( <major>.<minor>.<patch> ): zmq_version ~\n" );

int major, minor, patch
zmq_version ( &major, &minor, &patch );

printf ( "INF: current ØMQ version is %d.%d.%d\nZMQ: zmq_errno ~ %s\n",
          major, minor, patch

printf ( "EXPECT( NO ERROR ): zmq_errno ~ %s\n",
          zmq_strerror ( zmq_errno() )

printf ( "EXPECT( NO ERROR ): zmq_send() ~ %s\n" );

rc =           zmq_send ( req_socket, "A_TEST_BLOCK", 12, ZMQ_DONTWAIT );
printf ( "INF: zmq_send ( req_socket, "A_TEST_BLOCK", 12, ZMQ_DONTWAIT )\nZMQ: returned rc == %d which ouhgt be == 12, is it?\n",

printf ( "EXPECT( NO ERROR ): zmq_errno ~ %s\n",
          zmq_strerror ( zmq_errno() )
