高效删除 SortedSet<T> 中的第一个元素

Efficiently remove first element in SortedSet<T>

我有一个 SortedSet,我要向其中添加项目(以不受控制的顺序,显然是利用它的排序能力)。



然而,我面临的问题是由于 Remove 方法的 O(log n) 方面以及 SortedSet 的二进制搜索性质,这导致对每个进行的比较的最大可能次数删除 (~log n).


实际上我追求的是 set.RemoveMin() 方法,利用更优化的方法(无比较)获取第一个元素。

有什么办法吗? 有没有我可以利用的现有替代 SortedSet 实现?

[编辑] 我对此进行了检测,它似乎并不比仅使用 SortedSet 快,所以这可能不是一个好的答案!

@randomman159 - 如果您尝试后没有帮助,请评论此答案,我将删除它。

您描述的是Priority Queue


Enqueue()Dequeue() 的复杂度都是 O(LogN):

/// <summary>Priority Queue data structure.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Implemented in traditional fashion, using a heap.
/// Based on code from http://www.vcskicks.com/priority-queue.php
/// Also see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heap_(data_structure)
/// and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priority_queue
/// </remarks>

[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1711:IdentifiersShouldNotHaveIncorrectSuffix")]

public sealed class PriorityQueue<T>
    /// <summary>Constructor.</summary>
    /// <param name="comparer">A comparison function for items of type T>.</param>

    public PriorityQueue(Comparison<T> comparer)
        _comparer = comparer;
        _heap = new List<T> {default(T)};

    /// <summary>The number of items in the queue.</summary>

    public int Count => _heap.Count - 1;

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the value at the head of the Priority Queue without removing it.
    /// Throws an exception if the queue is empty.
    /// </summary>

    public T Peek()
        if (this.Count > 0)
            return _heap[1]; // Head of the queue is at [1], not [0].
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempt to Peek() into an empty PriorityQueue<T>");

    /// <summary>Adds a value to the Priority Queue</summary>

    public void Enqueue(T value)
        this.bubbleUp(_heap.Count - 1); // Bubble up to preserve the heap property, starting at the inserted value.

    /// <summary>Returns the front of the Priority Queue.</summary>

    public T Dequeue()
        if (this.Count > 0)
            T minValue = this._heap[1]; // The smallest value in the Priority Queue is the first item in the array

            if (this._heap.Count > 2) // If there's more than one item, replace the first item in the array with the last one.
                T lastValue = this._heap[_heap.Count - 1];

                this._heap.RemoveAt(_heap.Count - 1);       // Move last node to the head
                this._heap[1] = lastValue;
            else  // Only one item in the queue.
                _heap.RemoveAt(1);  // Remove the only value stored in the queue.

            return minValue;
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempt to Dequeue() from an empty PriorityQueue<T>");

    /// <summary>Restores the heap-order property between child and parent values going up towards the head.</summary>

    private void bubbleUp(int startCell)
        // Requires(startCell >= 0);
        // Requires(startCell < _heap.Count);

        int cell = startCell;

        while (this.isParentBigger(cell))   // Bubble up as long as the parent is greater.
            // Get values of parent and child.

            T parentValue = this._heap[cell/2];
            T childValue  = this._heap[cell];

            // Swap the values.

            this._heap[cell/2] = childValue;
            this._heap[cell]   = parentValue;

            cell /= 2; // Go up parents.

    /// <summary>Restores the heap-order property between child and parent values going down towards the bottom.</summary>

    private void bubbleDown(int startCell)
        // Requires(startCell > 0);
        // Requires(startCell < _heap.Count);

        int cell = startCell;

        // Bubble down as long as either child is smaller.

        while (this.isLeftChildSmaller(cell) || this.isRightChildSmaller(cell))
            int child = this.compareChild(cell);

            if (child == -1) // Left Child.
                // Swap values.

                T parentValue    = _heap[cell];
                T leftChildValue = _heap[2*cell];

                _heap[cell]   = leftChildValue;
                _heap[2*cell] = parentValue;

                cell = 2*cell; // Move down to left child.
            else if (child == 1) // Right Child.
                // Swap values.

                T parentValue     = _heap[cell];
                T rightChildValue = _heap[2*cell+1];

                _heap[cell]     = rightChildValue;
                _heap[2*cell+1] = parentValue;

                cell = 2*cell+1; // Move down to right child.

    /// <summary>Is the value of a parent greater than its child?</summary>

    private bool isParentBigger(int childCell)
        // Requires(childCell >= 0);
        // Requires(childCell < _heap.Count);

        if (childCell == 1)
            return false;  // Top of heap, no parent.
            return _comparer(_heap[childCell/2], _heap[childCell]) > 0;

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns whether the left child cell is smaller than the parent cell.
    /// Returns false if a left child does not exist.
    /// </summary>

    private bool isLeftChildSmaller(int parentCell)
        // Requires(parentCell >= 0);
        // Requires(parentCell < _heap.Count);

        if (2*parentCell >= _heap.Count)
            return false; // Out of bounds.
            return _comparer(_heap[2*parentCell], _heap[parentCell]) < 0;

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns whether the right child cell is smaller than the parent cell.
    /// Returns false if a right child does not exist.
    /// </summary>

    private bool isRightChildSmaller(int parentCell)
        // Requires(parentCell >= 0);
        // Requires(parentCell < _heap.Count);

        if (2 * parentCell + 1 >= _heap.Count)
            return false; // Out of bounds.
            return _comparer(_heap[2*parentCell+1], _heap[parentCell]) < 0;

    /// <summary>
    /// Compares the children cells of a parent cell. -1 indicates the left child is the smaller of the two,
    /// 1 indicates the right child is the smaller of the two, 0 inidicates that neither child is smaller than the parent.
    /// </summary>

    private int compareChild(int parentCell)
        // Requires(parentCell >= 0);
        // Requires(parentCell < _heap.Count);

        bool leftChildSmaller  = this.isLeftChildSmaller(parentCell);
        bool rightChildSmaller = this.isRightChildSmaller(parentCell);

        if (leftChildSmaller || rightChildSmaller)
            if (leftChildSmaller && rightChildSmaller)
                // Figure out which of the two is smaller.

                int leftChild  = 2 * parentCell;
                int rightChild = 2 * parentCell + 1;

                T leftValue  = this._heap[leftChild];
                T rightValue = this._heap[rightChild];

                // Compare the values of the children.

                if (_comparer(leftValue, rightValue) <= 0)
                    return -1; // Left child is smaller.
                    return 1; // Right child is smaller.
            else if (leftChildSmaller)
                return -1; // Left child is smaller.
                return 1; // Right child smaller.
            return 0; // Both children are bigger or don't exist.

    private readonly List<T>       _heap;
    private readonly Comparison<T> _comparer;

使用 Enqueue() 添加您的元素并使用 Dequeue() 删除前面的元素。
