使用 gopkg.in/mgo.v2 作为字符串在 golang 中自定义 mongodb 命令

Custom mongodb command in golang using gopkg.in/mgo.v2 as string

我想知道,是否有 运行 我自己的命令(或查询),我在 go 中使用 "mgo" 将其构造为字符串变量。




func dbInsert(collection string, insert bson.M, session *mgo.Session) error {
    c := session.DB(your_DB).C(collection)
    err := c.Insert(insert)
    return err

func dbUpsert(collection string, selector bson.M, update bson.M, session *mgo.Session) (*mgo.ChangeInfo, error) {
    c := session.DB(your_DB).C(collection)
    info, err := c.Upsert(selector, update)
    return info, err

func dbFindOne(collection string, findBson bson.M, selectBson bson.M, session *mgo.Session) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
    c := session.DB(your_DB).C(collection)
    getMap := make(map[string]interface{})
    err := c.Find(findBson).Select(selectBson).One(&getMap)
    return getMap, err

func dbFindAll(collection string, findBson bson.M, selectBson bson.M, session *mgo.Session) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
    c := session.DB(your_DB).C(collection)
    getMap := make(map[string]interface{})
    err := c.Find(findBson).Select(selectBson).All(&getMap)
    return getMap, err

func dbUpdate(collection string, selector bson.M, update bson.M, session *mgo.Session) error {
    c := session.DB(your_DB).C(collection)
    setBson := bson.M{};
    setBson["$set"] = update;
    updateError := c.Update(selector, setBson)
    return updateError

func dbRemoveOne(collection string, selector bson.M, session *mgo.Session) error {
    c := session.DB(your_DB).C(collection)
    removeError := c.Remove(selector)
    return removeError

func dbRemoveAll(collection string, selector bson.M, session *mgo.Session) (*mgo.ChangeInfo, error) {
    c := session.DB(your_DB).C(collection)
    removeInfo, removeError := c.RemoveAll(selector)
    return removeInfo, removeError


employeeInfo, err := dbFindOne("employees", bson.M{"name": "john"}, bson.M{"salary": 1, "homeCity": 1}, mongo_session)

if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("Error getting employee info: ", err)
    //you can get the salary as an int:
    salary := employeeInfo["salary"].(int)

    //or get their homeCity as a string:
    homeCity := employeeInfo["homeCity"].(string)

例如,这会在集合 "employees" 中找到名为 "john" 的员工的 "salary"。

代码段中的所有方法的工作方式几乎与 dbFindOne() 完全相同。


is there anyway to run my own command (or query) which I have constructed as a string variable using "mgo" in go.

您可以调用 MongoDB find command,并将查询过滤器的字符串解析为 map[string]interface{}


db := session.DB("databaseName")

queryString := `{"username":"sergio"}`
var filter map[string]interface{} 
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(queryString), &filter)

result := bson.M{}
err = db.Run(bson.D{{"find", "collectionName"}, {"filter", filter}}, &result)

或者,除了使用 find(),您还可以使用 MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline,具体取决于您的用例。


pipeString := `[{"$match":{"username":"sergio"}}, {"$project":{"newfield":"$username"}}]`

pipe := []bson.M{}
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(pipeString), &pipe)

coll := session.DB("databaseName").C("collectionName")
response := []bson.M{}
err = coll.Pipe(pipe).All(&response)  