
Type inference according to parameter


interface ActionWithPayload<T extends string, K> { type: T, payload: K }

function ofType<T extends ActionWithPayload<string, any>>(...param: T["type"][]): T extends ActionWithPayload<typeof param[number], infer U> ? U : never {
    return null;

enum one {
    foo = "foo",
    bar = "bar"

type action = ActionWithPayload<one.foo, boolean> | ActionWithPayload<one.bar, string>;

var result = ofType<action>(one.foo); // type of result should be boolean

Playground link

问题是当 TactionT["type"] 将是 one.foo | one.bar,无论您传递什么参数。您需要一个额外的通用参数,以便编译器推断您传入的枚举成员的文字类型:

function ofType<T extends ActionWithPayload<string, any>, K extends one = one>(...param:K[]): T extends ActionWithPayload<K, infer U> ? U : never {
    return null as any;
var result = ofType<action, one.foo>(one.foo); // will be boolean

缺点是您必须显式指定文字类型 one.foo 因为您不能只指定一个类型参数。作为替代方案,您可以使用双函数方法,这样您就可以为第一个函数指定类型参数,并让推理对第二个函数起作用:

function ofType<T extends ActionWithPayload<string, any>>() {
    return function <K extends one = one>(...param:K[]) : T extends ActionWithPayload<K, infer U> ? U : never{
         return null;

var result = ofType<action>()(one.foo); // will be boolean