在 python 3 上使用 pytftb 绘制 Wigner-Ville 分布
Plotting Wigner-Ville distribution with pytftb on python 3
我正在测试 wigner ville 分布,看看它是否适用于估计带有噪声的信号的原始振幅。
pytftb 提供了一个 wigner ville 函数,可以很好地处理他们的示例。我是这样使用的:
tfr = WignerVilleDistribution(prepack[0])
但是,我真的不明白这里发生了什么,所以我想改变频率轴,并可能打印关于绝对频率而不是标准化的?不过,我不太了解 Wigner Ville Distribution,所以如果我看错了,我将不胜感激!
这里是一些使用绝对频率绘制 Wigner-Ville 变换 (WVT) 的代码。我使用 python 库:https://pypi.org/project/tftb/,版本 0.1.1
import tftb
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.signal as sig
T = 2 # signal duration
dt = 1/500 # sample interval/spacing
freq_s = 1/dt # sampling frequency
N = T / dt # number of samples
ts = np.arange(N) * dt # times
# constructing a chirp multiplied by a Gaussian
t0 = T/2
freq = np.linspace(10, 30, int(N))
sigma = 0.1
signal = np.cos((ts-t0) * 2 * np.pi * freq) * np.exp(-(ts-t0)**2/(2*sigma**2))/np.sqrt(sigma)
# adding some noise
signal += np.random.randn(len(signal))*0.5
# plotting the signal
plt.plot(ts, signal)
# first looking at the power of the short time fourier transform (SFTF):
nperseg = 2**6 # window size of the STFT
f_stft, t_stft, Zxx = sig.stft(signal, freq_s, nperseg=nperseg,
noverlap=nperseg-1, return_onesided=False)
# shifting the frequency axis for better representation
Zxx = np.fft.fftshift(Zxx, axes=0)
f_stft = np.fft.fftshift(f_stft)
# Doing the WVT
wvd = tftb.processing.WignerVilleDistribution(signal, timestamps=ts)
tfr_wvd, t_wvd, f_wvd = wvd.run()
# here t_wvd is the same as our ts, and f_wvd are the "normalized frequencies"
# so we will not use them and construct our own.
f, axx = plt.subplots(2, 1)
df1 = f_stft[1] - f_stft[0] # the frequency step
im = axx[0].imshow(np.real(Zxx * np.conj(Zxx)), aspect='auto',
interpolation=None, origin='lower',
extent=(ts[0] - dt/2, ts[-1] + dt/2,
f_stft[0] - df1/2, f_stft[-1] + df1/2))
axx[0].set_ylabel('frequency [Hz]')
plt.colorbar(im, ax=axx[0])
# because of how they implemented WVT, the maximum frequency is half of
# the sampling Nyquist frequency, so 125 Hz instead of 250 Hz, and the sampling
# is 2 * dt instead of dt
f_wvd = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(tfr_wvd.shape[0], d=2 * dt))
df_wvd = f_wvd[1]-f_wvd[0] # the frequency step in the WVT
im = axx[1].imshow(np.fft.fftshift(tfr_wvd, axes=0), aspect='auto', origin='lower',
extent=(ts[0] - dt/2, ts[-1] + dt/2,
f_wvd[0]-df_wvd/2, f_wvd[-1]+df_wvd/2))
axx[1].set_xlabel('time [s]')
axx[1].set_ylabel('frequency [Hz]')
plt.colorbar(im, ax=axx[1])
axx[1].set_title('Wigner-Ville Transform')
因为信号是真实的,所以在正频率和负频率中有 activity,就像 FFT 一样。此外,两项之间存在干扰,频率为 0(即在两项之间的中间)。这也是您在图表中看到的。中间线以上的是负频率,最上面的是频率 0。
signal = np.exp(1j * (ts-t0) * 2 * np.pi * freq) * np.exp(-(ts-t0)**2/(2*sigma**2))/np.sqrt(sigma)
这是生成的频谱图和 WVT:
我正在测试 wigner ville 分布,看看它是否适用于估计带有噪声的信号的原始振幅。
pytftb 提供了一个 wigner ville 函数,可以很好地处理他们的示例。我是这样使用的:
tfr = WignerVilleDistribution(prepack[0])
但是,我真的不明白这里发生了什么,所以我想改变频率轴,并可能打印关于绝对频率而不是标准化的?不过,我不太了解 Wigner Ville Distribution,所以如果我看错了,我将不胜感激!
这里是一些使用绝对频率绘制 Wigner-Ville 变换 (WVT) 的代码。我使用 python 库:https://pypi.org/project/tftb/,版本 0.1.1
import tftb
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.signal as sig
T = 2 # signal duration
dt = 1/500 # sample interval/spacing
freq_s = 1/dt # sampling frequency
N = T / dt # number of samples
ts = np.arange(N) * dt # times
# constructing a chirp multiplied by a Gaussian
t0 = T/2
freq = np.linspace(10, 30, int(N))
sigma = 0.1
signal = np.cos((ts-t0) * 2 * np.pi * freq) * np.exp(-(ts-t0)**2/(2*sigma**2))/np.sqrt(sigma)
# adding some noise
signal += np.random.randn(len(signal))*0.5
# plotting the signal
plt.plot(ts, signal)
# first looking at the power of the short time fourier transform (SFTF):
nperseg = 2**6 # window size of the STFT
f_stft, t_stft, Zxx = sig.stft(signal, freq_s, nperseg=nperseg,
noverlap=nperseg-1, return_onesided=False)
# shifting the frequency axis for better representation
Zxx = np.fft.fftshift(Zxx, axes=0)
f_stft = np.fft.fftshift(f_stft)
# Doing the WVT
wvd = tftb.processing.WignerVilleDistribution(signal, timestamps=ts)
tfr_wvd, t_wvd, f_wvd = wvd.run()
# here t_wvd is the same as our ts, and f_wvd are the "normalized frequencies"
# so we will not use them and construct our own.
f, axx = plt.subplots(2, 1)
df1 = f_stft[1] - f_stft[0] # the frequency step
im = axx[0].imshow(np.real(Zxx * np.conj(Zxx)), aspect='auto',
interpolation=None, origin='lower',
extent=(ts[0] - dt/2, ts[-1] + dt/2,
f_stft[0] - df1/2, f_stft[-1] + df1/2))
axx[0].set_ylabel('frequency [Hz]')
plt.colorbar(im, ax=axx[0])
# because of how they implemented WVT, the maximum frequency is half of
# the sampling Nyquist frequency, so 125 Hz instead of 250 Hz, and the sampling
# is 2 * dt instead of dt
f_wvd = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(tfr_wvd.shape[0], d=2 * dt))
df_wvd = f_wvd[1]-f_wvd[0] # the frequency step in the WVT
im = axx[1].imshow(np.fft.fftshift(tfr_wvd, axes=0), aspect='auto', origin='lower',
extent=(ts[0] - dt/2, ts[-1] + dt/2,
f_wvd[0]-df_wvd/2, f_wvd[-1]+df_wvd/2))
axx[1].set_xlabel('time [s]')
axx[1].set_ylabel('frequency [Hz]')
plt.colorbar(im, ax=axx[1])
axx[1].set_title('Wigner-Ville Transform')
因为信号是真实的,所以在正频率和负频率中有 activity,就像 FFT 一样。此外,两项之间存在干扰,频率为 0(即在两项之间的中间)。这也是您在图表中看到的。中间线以上的是负频率,最上面的是频率 0。
signal = np.exp(1j * (ts-t0) * 2 * np.pi * freq) * np.exp(-(ts-t0)**2/(2*sigma**2))/np.sqrt(sigma)
这是生成的频谱图和 WVT: