RMarkdown 中只有一个交互式 plotly 图表渲染到 HTML

Only one interactive plotly chart rendering in RMarkdown to HTML


在 R markdown 中绘制曲面
p1 <- plot_ly() %>% add_surface(z=z,x=wRange,y=yRange) %>% layout(showlegend=FALSE,scene=list(xaxis=list(title="wMult"),yaxis=list(title="yMult"),zaxis=list(title="MAE")))


p2 <- p1 %>% add_markers(z=MAE1,x=wMult1,y=yMult1) %>% layout(showlegend=FALSE)

不久之后,我尝试通过在 p2 顶部添加另一个标记来绘制 p3。

p3 <- p2 %>% add_markers(z=MAE2,x=wMult2,y=yMult2) %>% layout(showlegend=FALSE)

遗憾的是,只有 p1 在 HTML 中呈现为交互式图表。 p2 和 p3 显示为空白 space,大致是图表应有的大小,但在查看器和浏览器中都没有内部内容。如果我使用网络检查器,我可以看到它正在尝试渲染一个 plotly 对象,但它看起来是空的。

如果我 运行 直接在 RStudio 中使用相同的代码,我可以查看添加了额外标记的图表,但是当我编织 markdown 时它们不会呈现。




title: "Gradient Descent Demo"
output: html_document

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
setwd("[your working directory]")
data = read.csv("mpg.csv")

## Our Dataset

Let's take a look at some sample data. It shows attributes of several old cars and their fuel economy measured in miles per gallon. 

```{r c1}

We'll try to predict a given car's mpg using only its weight and year.
```{r c2}
data <- data[,c("mpg","weight","year")]

## Create a Hypothesis
Our hypothesis will be that we can get an approximation of the mpg by multipling the car's weight by some number "wMult" and adding that to the car's year multiplied by some other number "yMult". Let's just pick some numbers to start.
```{r c3, include=FALSE}
mod1 <- lm(mpg~weight+year,data=data)
bias1 <- mod1$coefficients[1]
wMult1 <- -.02
yMult1 <- -2
We can turn this into a prediction.
(Ignore the bias - I cheated and did some behind-the-scenes pre-work.)
```{r c4}
data$mpgPred1 <- wMult1*data$weight + yMult1*data$year + bias1
Ok so we have predictions. They're clearly pretty bad since they're negative, and most cars don't get negative miles per gallon. But can we measure how bad they are?

## Evaluate the Hypothesis
We need some measure of how good (or bad) our prediction is. We'll use the Mean Absolute Error ("MAE"). As the name suggests, this is calculated finding the average of the absolute difference between each predicted value and actual value.
```{r c5}
MAE1 <- mean(abs(data$mpgPred1-data$mpg))
Ok so on average we're only off by about 250 mpg. Surely we can do better.

## Adjust the Hypothesis
What to use for our next hypothesis? Well we assign new wMult and yMult values and see how we do.
```{R c6}
wMult2 <- wMult1 + .03
yMult2 <- wMult2 - 1.2
data$mpgPred2 <- wMult2*data$weight + yMult2*data$year + bias1
Our predictions look better (At least they're positive!), but they're still pretty far off. Let's see how much better or worse they are.

## Evaluate the Hypothesis - Round 2
```{R c7}
MAE2 <- mean(abs(data$mpgPred2-data$mpg))
Now we're only off by 50 on average. Still pretty terrible, but better than before.

## Adjust the Hypothesis - There has to be a better way.
Ok so instead of just continuing to make random guesses, let's develop a way to intelligently update our hypothesis.

Thankfully, since we're only using two variables for our analysis, we can pretty easily visualize the effect of every reasonable combination of wMult and yMult.
```{R c8, include=FALSE}
plotdata <- data.frame(wCoef=double(),yCoef=double(),MAE=double())
wRange <- seq(mod1$coefficients[2]-300*summary(mod1)$coefficients["weight","Std. Error"],mod1$coefficients[2]+300*summary(mod1)$coefficients["weight","Std. Error"],length.out=201) 
yRange <- seq(mod1$coefficients[3]-300*summary(mod1)$coefficients["year","Std. Error"],mod1$coefficients[3]+300*summary(mod1)$coefficients["year","Std. Error"],length.out=201)
for(i in wRange)
{for(j in yRange)
  preds <- (i*data$weight) + (j*data$year) + bias1
  resid <- preds-data$mpg
  MAE = mean(abs(resid))
  newRec <- data.frame(wCoef=i,yCoef=j,MAE=MAE)
  plotdata <- rbind(plotdata,newRec)
z <- matrix(plotdata$MAE,nrow=201,ncol=201)
```{R c9}
p1 <- plot_ly() %>% add_surface(z=z,x=wRange,y=yRange) %>% layout(showlegend=FALSE,scene=list(xaxis=list(title="wMult"),yaxis=list(title="yMult"),zaxis=list(title="MAE")))
Great - we can visibly explore this graph and see what some good weights might be. The best one is the one that minimizes the MAE. That's the center spot at the middle of the valley, where the crease seems to dip slightly.

Let's add our first hypothesis to this chart to see where it falls.
```{R c10,warning=F}
p2 <- p1 %>% add_markers(z=MAE1,x=wMult1,y=yMult1) %>% layout(showlegend=FALSE)
And let's add our second one
```{R c11}
p3 <- p2 %>% add_markers(z=MAE2,x=wMult2,y=yMult2) %>% layout(showlegend=FALSE)
Ok so it turns out our second guess actually overshot. This means that if we kept updating our hypothesis in the same manner, we'd actually get worse with each new step.

## Letting the machine do it
As I mentioned before, this approach works because we only have 2 variables we're working with. But if we had more, we'd be dealing with spaces greater than 3 dimensions. This gets hard to visualize.

Thankfully there's a way for the machine to navigate those higher dimensional spaces. We'll continue to use this two dimensional approach for now to help illustrate the approach.

在HTML 土地上,id 等属性很重要。发生的事情是情节的 div id 是从早期情节继承而来的。这在 HTML 中是不允许的。因此,您需要每次都重新创建绘图,这样它们就不会继承绘图 ID。我找不到 plotly 函数来重置 id 来防止这个问题,所以我的答案是遵循严格的 'does not inherit previous plot' 政策:

output: html_document

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

# First plot

```{r pressure, echo=FALSE}
p1 <- plot_ly(source = "plot1") %>%
  add_markers(x = pressure$temperature, y = pressure$pressure)

# Second plot

```{r pressure2, echo= FALSE}
p2 <- plot_ly(source = "plot2") %>%
  add_markers(x = pressure$temperature, y = pressure$pressure) %>%
  add_markers(x = pressure$temperature, y = pressure$pressure+10)

旁注:如果您处于 Shiny 环境中,每个情节都会包含在需要唯一命名的 render/output 组合中。