我怎样才能 select 视图中模型的特殊索引?

How can I select special Index of model in View?


var ViewModel = (from APP in db1.application
                 where APP.APP_STATUS == "TO_DO"
                 join APPDEL in db1.app_delegation on APP.APP_UID equals APPDEL.APP_UID
                 join Con in db1.content on APPDEL.TAS_UID equals Con.CON_ID
                 join BPMNPRC in db1.bpmn_process on APPDEL.PRO_UID equals BPMNPRC.PRJ_UID
                 join RUSRE in db1.rbac_users on APP.APP_INIT_USER equals RUSRE.USR_UID
                 where APPDEL.TAS_UID == Con.CON_ID 
                    && Con.CON_CATEGORY == ("TAS_TITLE")
                    && APP.APP_UID == APPDEL.APP_UID 
                    && APPDEL.DEL_THREAD_STATUS == "OPEN" 
                    && APPDEL.USR_UID == bpmUseid.BPMSID
                 select new ApplicationContentViewModel
                             creator = RUSRE,
                             app_delegation = APPDEL,
                             application = APP,
                             content = Con,
                             task = BPMNPRC,
return View(ViewModel);


我在 select 视图中使用此命令按 DEL_INDEX 的字段查看项目:

@foreach (var item in Model)
  @(item.app_delegation.DEL_INDEX == Model.Max(x => x.app_delegation.DEL_INDEX) - 1 ? item.creator.USR_LASTNAME : "");

事实上,我想selectDEL_INDEX - 1的最大值,并检索它的姓氏。


System.Data.Entity.Core.EntityCommandExecutionException:: 'An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details.'

Inner Exception:

MySqlException: There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection which must be closed first


我认为您应该在执行表达式 Model.Max(x => x.app_delegation.DEL_INDEX) 之前使用 ToList() 方法而不是 AsEnumerable() 方法,如下所示:

var ViewModel = (from APP in db1.application
                 where APP.APP_STATUS == "TO_DO"
                 join APPDEL in db1.app_delegation on APP.APP_UID equals APPDEL.APP_UID
                 join Con in db1.content on APPDEL.TAS_UID equals Con.CON_ID
                 join BPMNPRC in db1.bpmn_process on APPDEL.PRO_UID equals BPMNPRC.PRJ_UID
                 join RUSRE in db1.rbac_users on APP.APP_INIT_USER equals RUSRE.USR_UID
                 where APPDEL.TAS_UID == Con.CON_ID 
                 && Con.CON_CATEGORY == ("TAS_TITLE")
                 && APP.APP_UID == APPDEL.APP_UID 
                 && APPDEL.DEL_THREAD_STATUS == "OPEN" 
                 && APPDEL.USR_UID == bpmUseid.BPMSID
                 select new ApplicationContentViewModel
                     creator = RUSRE,
                     app_delegation = APPDEL,
                     application = APP,
                     content = Con,
                     task = BPMNPRC,
                 }).ToList(); // here is the change


通过调用 AsEnumerable(),数据 reader 保持打开状态,当执行 Model.Max() 时,LINQ to Objects 会抛出异常,因为 MySQL 您正在使用的连接器没有尚不支持 MARS(多个活动结果集)。使用 ToList() 方法可确保在延迟加载检查所有导航属性时完成数据 reader 操作。


假设您使用的是 EF,请尝试使用 Include() 预先加载,以便在处理多个查询时在单个语句中添加相关对象。


Mysql Linq There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection which must be closed first