Java 帮助递归和二叉树
Java Help Recursion & Binary Trees
我对 Java 有点陌生,对递归和二叉树也很陌生。我正在构建一个程序,该程序从文档中获取文本并将其存储在二叉树中。然后我需要取一个字符串并找出它在文本中出现了多少次。
我的问题是在添加数据时 and/or 在搜索字符串数据时。
public void add(String newWord) {
//Change the word case to make comparing easier
newWord = newWord.toUpperCase();
root = recursiveAdd(root, newWord);
* Takes the root and recurses until the root is null (base case)
* Frequency is incremented if the data is being added, or if
* it already exits. If the data is not present, the method recurses
private Node recursiveAdd(Node subTree, String newWord) {
//Base case: the root is null
//Empty trees have a node created, set, and incr freq
if (subTree == null) {
subTree = new Node();
return subTree;
int comparison = newWord.compareTo(subTree.getStoredWord());
//For a word already in tree, increment the frequency
if (comparison == 0) {
System.out.println("Entered same word incrementation");
return subTree;
//The root comes before the new word, then
//move on to the right child
} else if(comparison < 0) {
subTree.setLchild(recursiveAdd(subTree.getLchild(), newWord));
} else { //if(comparison > 0) {
subTree.setRchild(recursiveAdd(subTree.getRchild(), newWord));
return subTree;
我好像说不出我的问题出在哪里。对于我正在搜索的单词,有时它说它出现了 16 次(我应该得到的),有时它说 1 次。它似乎根本不一致,并且值似乎无缘无故地变化(尽管我知道肯定有一个)。
public void wordSearch(String lookForWord){
lookForWord = lookForWord.toUpperCase();
wordSearchRecur(root, lookForWord);
private boolean wordSearchRecur(Node subTree, String lookForWord){
//Base case
// The root is that same as the string
if(subTree == null){
System.out.println("The word \"" + lookForWord + "\" is not "
+ "found in the text");
return false;
int comparison = lookForWord.compareTo(subTree.getStoredWord());
if(comparison == 0){
System.out.println("The word \"" + lookForWord + "\" is found " +
subTree.getFreqCount() + " times in the text");
return true;
//Alphabetically before, then move to left branch
} else if (comparison < 0){
System.out.println("move to left");
return wordSearchRecur(subTree.getLchild(), lookForWord);
//Alphabetically after, then move to right branch
} else { // if(comparison > 0){
System.out.println("move to right");
return wordSearchRecur(subTree.getRchild(), lookForWord);
我也不太明白为什么我会到达 wordSearchRecur() 方法的末尾。我不应该在它到达那个点之前返回吗?我的输出显示它多次到达那里。
我知道我遗漏了这些概念的很大一部分,但查看所有以前的帖子并没有帮助。我一定花了 3 个小时才在 Stack 上寻找答案,更不用说所有其他网站了。
在@Joop Eggen 的帮助下,我编辑了代码以包含我所做的更改我现在可以在 recursiveAdd() 期间正确计算频率,但在 wordSearchRecur() 期间频率似乎不跟随节点。即使比较 == 0,freqCount 仍然是 1。
已解决:在@Joop Eggen 的帮助下,进一步的问题只是疏忽的结果。谢谢你的帮助。
您不会 return 在以下任一情况下:
//Alphabetically before, then move to left branch
if(lookForWord.compareTo(root.getStoredWord()) < 0){
System.out.println("move to left");
wordSearchRecur(root.getLchild(), lookForWord);
//Alphabetically after, then move to right branch
} else if(lookForWord.compareTo(root.getStoredWord()) > 0){
System.out.println("move to right");
wordSearchRecur(root.getRchild(), lookForWord);
你需要return wordSearchRecur
public void add(String word) {
//Change the word case to make comparing easier
word = word.toUpperCase();
root = recursiveAdd(root, word);
* Takes a sub-tree and recurses until the sub-tree is null (base case)
* Frequency is incremented if the data is being added, or if
* it already exists. If the data is not present, the method recurses
private Node recursiveAdd(Node subtree, String word) {
// Base case: the subtree is null
if (subtree == null) {
Node node = new Node();
return node;
int comparison = word.compareTo(subtree.getStoredWord());
if (comparison == 0) {
// For data already in tree, increment the frequency
} else if (comparison < 0) {
subtree.setLchild(recursiveAdd(subtree.getLchild(), word);
} else /*if (comparison > 0)*/ {
subtree.setRchild(recursiveAdd(subtree.getRchild(), word);
return subtree;
public void wordSearch(String lookedForWord){
lookedForWord = lookedForWord.toUpperCase();
wordSearchRecur(root, lookedForWord);
private boolean wordSearchRecur(Node subtree, String word){
if (subtree == null) {
System.out.println("The word \"" + word + "\" is not "
+ "found in the text");
return false;
int comparison = word.compareTo(root.getStoredWord();
if (comparison == 0){
System.out.println("The word \"" + word + "\" is found " +
subtree.getFreqCount() + " times in the text");
return true;
} else if (comparison < 0) {
return wordSearchRecur(subtree.getLchild(), word);
} else /*if (comparison > 0)*/ {
wordSearchRecur(subtree.getRchild(), word);
这有助于避免错误,因为 check/go 错误较少。
正如您在这两种情况下所做的那样 toUpperCase
,并且在重写中也进行了相同的比较(您有等于并转向 compareTo
事实上,显示的代码看起来还不错。进行递归 dumpTree(Node subtree, String indentation)
可能你在这里稍微编辑了代码,原来一些大括号 { }
我对 Java 有点陌生,对递归和二叉树也很陌生。我正在构建一个程序,该程序从文档中获取文本并将其存储在二叉树中。然后我需要取一个字符串并找出它在文本中出现了多少次。
我的问题是在添加数据时 and/or 在搜索字符串数据时。
public void add(String newWord) {
//Change the word case to make comparing easier
newWord = newWord.toUpperCase();
root = recursiveAdd(root, newWord);
* Takes the root and recurses until the root is null (base case)
* Frequency is incremented if the data is being added, or if
* it already exits. If the data is not present, the method recurses
private Node recursiveAdd(Node subTree, String newWord) {
//Base case: the root is null
//Empty trees have a node created, set, and incr freq
if (subTree == null) {
subTree = new Node();
return subTree;
int comparison = newWord.compareTo(subTree.getStoredWord());
//For a word already in tree, increment the frequency
if (comparison == 0) {
System.out.println("Entered same word incrementation");
return subTree;
//The root comes before the new word, then
//move on to the right child
} else if(comparison < 0) {
subTree.setLchild(recursiveAdd(subTree.getLchild(), newWord));
} else { //if(comparison > 0) {
subTree.setRchild(recursiveAdd(subTree.getRchild(), newWord));
return subTree;
我好像说不出我的问题出在哪里。对于我正在搜索的单词,有时它说它出现了 16 次(我应该得到的),有时它说 1 次。它似乎根本不一致,并且值似乎无缘无故地变化(尽管我知道肯定有一个)。
public void wordSearch(String lookForWord){
lookForWord = lookForWord.toUpperCase();
wordSearchRecur(root, lookForWord);
private boolean wordSearchRecur(Node subTree, String lookForWord){
//Base case
// The root is that same as the string
if(subTree == null){
System.out.println("The word \"" + lookForWord + "\" is not "
+ "found in the text");
return false;
int comparison = lookForWord.compareTo(subTree.getStoredWord());
if(comparison == 0){
System.out.println("The word \"" + lookForWord + "\" is found " +
subTree.getFreqCount() + " times in the text");
return true;
//Alphabetically before, then move to left branch
} else if (comparison < 0){
System.out.println("move to left");
return wordSearchRecur(subTree.getLchild(), lookForWord);
//Alphabetically after, then move to right branch
} else { // if(comparison > 0){
System.out.println("move to right");
return wordSearchRecur(subTree.getRchild(), lookForWord);
我也不太明白为什么我会到达 wordSearchRecur() 方法的末尾。我不应该在它到达那个点之前返回吗?我的输出显示它多次到达那里。
我知道我遗漏了这些概念的很大一部分,但查看所有以前的帖子并没有帮助。我一定花了 3 个小时才在 Stack 上寻找答案,更不用说所有其他网站了。
编辑: 在@Joop Eggen 的帮助下,我编辑了代码以包含我所做的更改我现在可以在 recursiveAdd() 期间正确计算频率,但在 wordSearchRecur() 期间频率似乎不跟随节点。即使比较 == 0,freqCount 仍然是 1。
已解决:在@Joop Eggen 的帮助下,进一步的问题只是疏忽的结果。谢谢你的帮助。
您不会 return 在以下任一情况下:
//Alphabetically before, then move to left branch
if(lookForWord.compareTo(root.getStoredWord()) < 0){
System.out.println("move to left");
wordSearchRecur(root.getLchild(), lookForWord);
//Alphabetically after, then move to right branch
} else if(lookForWord.compareTo(root.getStoredWord()) > 0){
System.out.println("move to right");
wordSearchRecur(root.getRchild(), lookForWord);
你需要return wordSearchRecur
public void add(String word) {
//Change the word case to make comparing easier
word = word.toUpperCase();
root = recursiveAdd(root, word);
* Takes a sub-tree and recurses until the sub-tree is null (base case)
* Frequency is incremented if the data is being added, or if
* it already exists. If the data is not present, the method recurses
private Node recursiveAdd(Node subtree, String word) {
// Base case: the subtree is null
if (subtree == null) {
Node node = new Node();
return node;
int comparison = word.compareTo(subtree.getStoredWord());
if (comparison == 0) {
// For data already in tree, increment the frequency
} else if (comparison < 0) {
subtree.setLchild(recursiveAdd(subtree.getLchild(), word);
} else /*if (comparison > 0)*/ {
subtree.setRchild(recursiveAdd(subtree.getRchild(), word);
return subtree;
public void wordSearch(String lookedForWord){
lookedForWord = lookedForWord.toUpperCase();
wordSearchRecur(root, lookedForWord);
private boolean wordSearchRecur(Node subtree, String word){
if (subtree == null) {
System.out.println("The word \"" + word + "\" is not "
+ "found in the text");
return false;
int comparison = word.compareTo(root.getStoredWord();
if (comparison == 0){
System.out.println("The word \"" + word + "\" is found " +
subtree.getFreqCount() + " times in the text");
return true;
} else if (comparison < 0) {
return wordSearchRecur(subtree.getLchild(), word);
} else /*if (comparison > 0)*/ {
wordSearchRecur(subtree.getRchild(), word);
这有助于避免错误,因为 check/go 错误较少。
正如您在这两种情况下所做的那样 toUpperCase
,并且在重写中也进行了相同的比较(您有等于并转向 compareTo
事实上,显示的代码看起来还不错。进行递归 dumpTree(Node subtree, String indentation)
可能你在这里稍微编辑了代码,原来一些大括号 { }