WhatsApp 中的丰富链接只有 1 行描述而不是 2 行?

Rich links in WhatsApp with just 1 line description instead of 2?

我正在与有钱人 link 斗争,而当我从大多数网站分享 link 时,我看到两行描述。


<meta name="description" content="This is a text description that is showing 2 description lines and a thumbnail without any problem or cut excepto for this.." />


<meta name="description" content="For some reason even if this text is shorter, I get a cut into the first line description">


我在这里有点疯狂,这显然没有意义,是我还是 WhatsApp 想惹恼我?

问题不在于那一行,但您的标题可能是 2 行,并且正在从描述中推导出一行,因为每个富人最多 3 行 link