VS 2017 数据库项目因超时错误导入数据库失败
VS 2017 Database Project failed to import database to due timed out error
VS 2017 数据库项目无法导入数据库:在尝试对 Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Sql.SchemaModel.SqlSpatialIndex 类型的元素进行逆向工程时从 SQL 服务器收到错误:超时已过期。操作完成前超时期限已过或服务器未响应。
我在 SSDT 17,版本 15.6.5 中创建了一个 SQL 服务器数据库项目。我能够导入一些小型数据库。但是未能导入我们相当大的主数据库。
我还检查了 SQL 服务器 activity 监视器,它正在 运行 下面的查询,但是当我尝试手动 运行 它时它没有返回任何内容:
SCHEMA_NAME([o].[schema_id]) AS [SchemaName],
[si].[object_id] AS [ColumnSourceId],
[o].[name] AS [ColumnSourceName],
[o].[type] AS [ColumnSourceType],
[ic].[column_id] AS [ColumnId],
[c].[name] AS [ColumnName],
[si].[index_id] AS [IndexId],
[si].[name] AS [IndexName],
[ds].[type] AS [DataspaceType],
[ds].[data_space_id] AS [DataspaceId],
[ds].[name] AS [DataspaceName],
[si].[fill_factor] AS [FillFactor],
[si].[is_padded] AS [IsPadded],
[si].[is_disabled] AS [IsDisabled],
[si].[allow_page_locks] AS [DoAllowPageLocks],
[si].[allow_row_locks] AS [DoAllowRowLocks],
[sit].[cells_per_object] AS [CellsPerObject],
[sit].[bounding_box_xmin] AS [XMin],
[sit].[bounding_box_xmax] AS [XMax],
[sit].[bounding_box_ymin] AS [YMin],
[sit].[bounding_box_ymax] AS [YMax],
[sit].[level_1_grid] AS [Level1Grid],
[sit].[level_2_grid] AS [Level2Grid],
[sit].[level_3_grid] AS [Level3Grid],
[sit].[level_4_grid] AS [Level4Grid],
[sit].[tessellation_scheme] AS [TessellationScheme],
[s].[no_recompute] AS [NoRecomputeStatistics],
[p].[data_compression] AS [DataCompressionId],
CONVERT(bit, CASE WHEN [ti].[data_space_id] = [ds].[data_space_id] THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
AS [EqualsParentDataSpace]
[sys].[spatial_indexes] AS [si] WITH (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN [sys].[objects] AS [o] WITH (NOLOCK) ON [si].[object_id] = [o].[object_id]
INNER JOIN [sys].[spatial_index_tessellations] [sit] WITH (NOLOCK) ON [si].[object_id] = [sit].[object_id] AND [si].[index_id] = [sit].[index_id]
INNER JOIN [sys].[data_spaces] AS [ds] WITH (NOLOCK) ON [ds].[data_space_id] = [si].[data_space_id]
INNER JOIN [sys].[index_columns] AS [ic] WITH (NOLOCK) ON [si].[object_id] = [ic].[object_id] AND [si].[index_id] = [ic].[index_id]
INNER JOIN [sys].[columns] AS [c] WITH (NOLOCK) ON [si].[object_id] = [c].[object_id] AND [ic].[column_id] = [c].[column_id]
INNER JOIN [sys].[objects] AS [o2] WITH (NOLOCK) ON [o2].[parent_object_id] = [si].[object_id]
INNER JOIN [sys].[stats] AS [s] WITH (NOLOCK) ON [o2].[object_id] = [s].[object_id] AND [s].[name] = [si].[name]
INNER JOIN [sys].[partitions] AS [p] WITH (NOLOCK) ON [p].[object_id] = [o2].[object_id] AND [p].[partition_number] = 1
LEFT JOIN [sys].[indexes] AS [ti] WITH (NOLOCK) ON [o].[object_id] = [ti].[object_id]
LEFT JOIN [sys].[tables] AS [t] WITH (NOLOCK) ON [t].[object_id] = [si].[object_id]
WHERE [si].[is_hypothetical] = 0
AND [ti].[index_id] < 2
AND OBJECTPROPERTY([o].[object_id], N'IsSystemTable') = 0
AND ([t].[is_filetable] = 0 OR [t].[is_filetable] IS NULL)
AND ([o].[is_ms_shipped] = 0 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT *
FROM [sys].[extended_properties]
WHERE [major_id] = [o].[object_id]
AND [minor_id] = 0
AND [class] = 1
AND [name] = N'microsoft_database_tools_support'
) AS [_results]
我也有这个问题,甚至使用 QueryCommandTimeout 的注册表设置和其他类似错误的解决方案。可能不是 "solution" 但这是我能够解决此问题的方法。我从命令行 运行 SqlPackage 工具,然后导入生成的 DACPAC:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server0\DAC\bin\SqlPackage.exe" /Action:Extract /SourceConnectionString:"Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=MyDB;Integrated Security=True;" /TargetFile:"path\to\database.dacpac" /p:CommandTimeout="0"
注意 /p:CommandTimeout="0"
。在转到 0 之前,您可能想为此尝试较大的值。
VS 2017 数据库项目无法导入数据库:在尝试对 Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Sql.SchemaModel.SqlSpatialIndex 类型的元素进行逆向工程时从 SQL 服务器收到错误:超时已过期。操作完成前超时期限已过或服务器未响应。
我在 SSDT 17,版本 15.6.5 中创建了一个 SQL 服务器数据库项目。我能够导入一些小型数据库。但是未能导入我们相当大的主数据库。
我还检查了 SQL 服务器 activity 监视器,它正在 运行 下面的查询,但是当我尝试手动 运行 它时它没有返回任何内容:
SCHEMA_NAME([o].[schema_id]) AS [SchemaName],
[si].[object_id] AS [ColumnSourceId],
[o].[name] AS [ColumnSourceName],
[o].[type] AS [ColumnSourceType],
[ic].[column_id] AS [ColumnId],
[c].[name] AS [ColumnName],
[si].[index_id] AS [IndexId],
[si].[name] AS [IndexName],
[ds].[type] AS [DataspaceType],
[ds].[data_space_id] AS [DataspaceId],
[ds].[name] AS [DataspaceName],
[si].[fill_factor] AS [FillFactor],
[si].[is_padded] AS [IsPadded],
[si].[is_disabled] AS [IsDisabled],
[si].[allow_page_locks] AS [DoAllowPageLocks],
[si].[allow_row_locks] AS [DoAllowRowLocks],
[sit].[cells_per_object] AS [CellsPerObject],
[sit].[bounding_box_xmin] AS [XMin],
[sit].[bounding_box_xmax] AS [XMax],
[sit].[bounding_box_ymin] AS [YMin],
[sit].[bounding_box_ymax] AS [YMax],
[sit].[level_1_grid] AS [Level1Grid],
[sit].[level_2_grid] AS [Level2Grid],
[sit].[level_3_grid] AS [Level3Grid],
[sit].[level_4_grid] AS [Level4Grid],
[sit].[tessellation_scheme] AS [TessellationScheme],
[s].[no_recompute] AS [NoRecomputeStatistics],
[p].[data_compression] AS [DataCompressionId],
CONVERT(bit, CASE WHEN [ti].[data_space_id] = [ds].[data_space_id] THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
AS [EqualsParentDataSpace]
[sys].[spatial_indexes] AS [si] WITH (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN [sys].[objects] AS [o] WITH (NOLOCK) ON [si].[object_id] = [o].[object_id]
INNER JOIN [sys].[spatial_index_tessellations] [sit] WITH (NOLOCK) ON [si].[object_id] = [sit].[object_id] AND [si].[index_id] = [sit].[index_id]
INNER JOIN [sys].[data_spaces] AS [ds] WITH (NOLOCK) ON [ds].[data_space_id] = [si].[data_space_id]
INNER JOIN [sys].[index_columns] AS [ic] WITH (NOLOCK) ON [si].[object_id] = [ic].[object_id] AND [si].[index_id] = [ic].[index_id]
INNER JOIN [sys].[columns] AS [c] WITH (NOLOCK) ON [si].[object_id] = [c].[object_id] AND [ic].[column_id] = [c].[column_id]
INNER JOIN [sys].[objects] AS [o2] WITH (NOLOCK) ON [o2].[parent_object_id] = [si].[object_id]
INNER JOIN [sys].[stats] AS [s] WITH (NOLOCK) ON [o2].[object_id] = [s].[object_id] AND [s].[name] = [si].[name]
INNER JOIN [sys].[partitions] AS [p] WITH (NOLOCK) ON [p].[object_id] = [o2].[object_id] AND [p].[partition_number] = 1
LEFT JOIN [sys].[indexes] AS [ti] WITH (NOLOCK) ON [o].[object_id] = [ti].[object_id]
LEFT JOIN [sys].[tables] AS [t] WITH (NOLOCK) ON [t].[object_id] = [si].[object_id]
WHERE [si].[is_hypothetical] = 0
AND [ti].[index_id] < 2
AND OBJECTPROPERTY([o].[object_id], N'IsSystemTable') = 0
AND ([t].[is_filetable] = 0 OR [t].[is_filetable] IS NULL)
AND ([o].[is_ms_shipped] = 0 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT *
FROM [sys].[extended_properties]
WHERE [major_id] = [o].[object_id]
AND [minor_id] = 0
AND [class] = 1
AND [name] = N'microsoft_database_tools_support'
) AS [_results]
我也有这个问题,甚至使用 QueryCommandTimeout 的注册表设置和其他类似错误的解决方案。可能不是 "solution" 但这是我能够解决此问题的方法。我从命令行 运行 SqlPackage 工具,然后导入生成的 DACPAC:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server0\DAC\bin\SqlPackage.exe" /Action:Extract /SourceConnectionString:"Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=MyDB;Integrated Security=True;" /TargetFile:"path\to\database.dacpac" /p:CommandTimeout="0"
注意 /p:CommandTimeout="0"
。在转到 0 之前,您可能想为此尝试较大的值。