
formula to calculate video dimensions for target aspect ratio


目标分辨率必须始终为 1280x720,我想使用黑条适合此尺寸的上传视频。

谁能指出一个公式来计算目标视频尺寸而不改变它的宽高比?如果目标小于 1280x720,我会将缺失的像素添加为黑条。

我正在使用带有 "-vf scale=1280x720,pad=?:?:black" 命令的 ffmpeg


阅读 this 页,尤其是这一部分:

Sometimes there is a need to scale the input image in such way it fits into a specified rectangle, i.e. if you have a placeholder (empty rectangle) in which you want to scale any given image. This is a little bit tricky, since you need to check the original aspect ratio, in order to decide which component to specify and to set the other component to -1 (to keep the aspect ratio). For example, if we would like to scale our input image into a rectangle with dimensions of 320x240, we could use something like this:

ffmpeg -i input.jpg -vf scale="'if(gt(a,4/3),320,-1)':'if(gt(a,4/3),-1,240)'" output_320x240_boxed.png