
A simpler way to determine the winner in tic-tac-toe?


one sig gameBoard {
    cells: Row -> Col -> Mark -> Time

标记为 X 或 O:

enum Mark { X, O }

Row 和 Col 只是集合:

sig Row {}{ #Row = 3}
sig Col {}{ #Col = 3} 



 pred winner [t: Time] {
    some m: Mark |
        some r: Row | all c: Col | board[r, c, t] = m
        some c: Col| all r: Row | board[r, c, t]  = m
        board[first, first, t] = m and 
        board[first.next, first.next, t] = m and 
        board[first.next.next, first.next.next, t] = m
        board[last,last, t] = m and 
        board[last.prev, last.prev, t] = m and 
        board[last.prev.prev,last.prev.prev, t] = m


open util/ordering[Time]
open util/ordering[Row]
open util/ordering[Col]

1. The game is played on a 3x3 board.
2. There are two players, Player1 and Player2.
3. Players mark the game board with either X or O.
4. The game is played over a series of time steps.

// 4. The game is played over a series of time steps.
sig Time {}

// 3. Players mark the game board with either X or O.
enum Mark { X, O }

// 2. There are two players, Player1 and Player2.
enum Player { Player1, Player2 }

// 1. The game is played on a ... board.
one sig gameBoard {
    cells: Row -> Col -> Mark -> Time

// 1. ... on a 3x3 board.
sig Row {}{ #Row = 3}
sig Col {}{ #Col = 3}

1. Each cell has at most one mark (X or O) at each time.
2. A win stops further marking.
3. When all cells are marked, there can be no additional marking.
4. Players alternate moves.
5. There is no interrupt in the play: If cells are empty at time t-1,
     and there is no winner at time t-1, then there will be one
     fewer empty cells at time t. If there is a winner at time t-1,
     then there will be no change to the number of empty cells at
     time t (per invariant 2). 
6. Player1 marks cells O and Player2 marks cells X.
7. When there is a winner or when all cells are marked,
     then the recording of "last player to move" is blank.

// 1. Each cell has at most one mark (X or O) at each time.
pred Each_cell_has_at_most_one_mark {
    no r: Row, c: Col, t: Time, disj m, m': Mark |
        ((r -> c -> m) in gameBoard.cells.t) and
       ((r -> c -> m') in gameBoard.cells.t) 

// 2. A win stops further marking.
pred gameBoard_remains_unchanged_after_win {
    all t: Time - first | 
        winner[t.prev] => gameBoard.cells.t = gameBoard.cells.(t.prev)

// 3. When all cells are marked, there can be no additional marking.
pred gameBoard_remains_unchanged_after_every_cell_is_marked {
    all t: Time - first | 
        every_cell_is_marked[t.prev] => gameBoard.cells.t = gameBoard.cells.(t.prev)

// 4. Players alternate moves.
pred Players_alternately_move {
    no t: Time - last, t': t.next | 
        (some LastPlayerToMove.person.t)  and
        (some LastPlayerToMove.person.t') and
        (LastPlayerToMove.person.t = LastPlayerToMove.person.t')

// 5. There is no interrupt in the play: If cells are empty at time t-1,
//     and there is no winner at time t-1, then there will be one
//     fewer empty cells at time t. If there is a winner at time t-1,
//     then there will be no change to the number of empty cells at
//     time t (per invariant 2). 
pred Progressively_fewer_empty_cells {
    all t: Time - first | 
        not every_cell_is_marked[t.prev] and not winner[t.prev] =>
            #empty_cells[t] < #empty_cells[t.prev]

// 6. Player1 marks cells O and Player2 marks cells X.
pred Players_mark_cells_appropriately {
    all t: Time - first |
        not every_cell_is_marked[t.prev] and not winner[t.prev] =>
            let c = gameBoard.cells.t - gameBoard.cells.(t.prev) |
                c[Row][Col] = X =>
                   (LastPlayerToMove.person.t = Player2)
                   (LastPlayerToMove.person.t = Player1)

// 7. When there is a winner or when all cells are marked,
//      then the recording of "last player to move" is blank.
pred LastPlayerToMove_remains_unchanged_after_win_or_all_cells_marked {
    all t: Time - first |
        ((every_cell_is_marked[t.prev]) or (winner[t.prev])) => 
            no LastPlayerToMove.person.t 

// This provides one place that you can call to 
// have all the constraints enforced.
pred game_is_constrained_by_these_constraints {

// Return the set of empty cells at time t.
// This is implemented using set subtraction.
// (Row -> Col) is the set of all possible combinations
// of row and col. Subtract from that the set
// of (row, col) pairs containing a mark at time t.
fun empty_cells[t: Time]: Row -> Col {
    (Row -> Col) - gameBoard.cells.t.Mark

// Once the game board is completely marked,
// there won't be a "last player." Ditto for when
// there is a winner. That's why there "may" be
// a last player at time t. That is, there isn’t 
// necessarily a player involved at every time step, 
// i.e., there isn’t necessarily a (Player, Time) pair 
// for every value of Time.
one sig LastPlayerToMove {
    person: Player lone -> Time

// Return the mark (X or O) on board[r][c] at time t,
// or none if there is no mark.
fun board [r: Row, c: Col, t: Time]: lone Mark {

// There is a winner when (a) there is a row
// with all X's or all O's, or (b) there is a col
// with all X's or all O's, or (c) there is a left-to-right
// diagonal with all X's or all O's, or (d) there is a 
// right-to-left diagonal with all X's or all O's.
pred winner [t: Time] {
    some m: Mark |
        some r: Row | all c: Col | board[r, c, t] = m
        some c: Col| all r: Row | board[r, c, t]  = m
        board[first, first, t] = m and 
        board[first.next, first.next, t] = m and 
        board[first.next.next, first.next.next, t] = m
        board[last,last, t] = m and 
        board[last.prev, last.prev, t] = m and 
        board[last.prev.prev,last.prev.prev, t] = m

// Every call of the game board is marked when
// the set of cells with marks equals all combinations
// of (row, col)
pred every_cell_is_marked[t: Time] {
    gameBoard.cells.t.Mark = (Row -> Col)

// Initially the game board has no cells.
// One of the players is first to play.
// The game is constrained by the invariants.
pred init [t: Time] {
    no gameBoard.cells.t 
    one p: Player | LastPlayerToMove.person.t = p

pred doNothing [t: Time] {
    gameBoard.cells.t = gameBoard.cells.(t.prev)

pred Play {
    all t: Time - first |
        or O.marked_on_gameboard_at_time[t]
        or doNothing[t]

pred marked_on_gameboard_at_time [m: Mark, t: Time] {
    some r: Row, c: Col {
        gameBoard.cells.t = gameBoard.cells.(t.prev) + 
              {r': Row, c': Col, m': Mark | r' = r and c' = c and m' = m}

run Play for 3 but 12 Time

评论:您可以在 Alloy 5 Beta

中 运行 整个降价文本


我们围绕 棋盘 设计这款游戏。棋盘是状态,我们将使用 游戏规则 编码在谓词中 限制到下一块板的过渡。


通过定义棋盘大小、棋盘和玩家来设置游戏。董事会人数相对较多 的字段,因为这使得跟踪输出易于阅读。


open util/ordering[Board]

let N = 0+1+2
let highest     =   max[N]

sig Board {
    cells : N -> N -> Cell,
    move: Cell,
    to  : N->N,
    won : Cell

enum Cell { _, X, O }





let rightdiag   =   { r,c : N | r = c }
let leftdiag    =   { r,c : N | c = highest.minus[r] }

pred won[b,b':Board ] {
    some token : X + O {
        let positions = b.cells.token {

                some row    : N | N = row.positions 
            or  some column : N | N = positions.column 
            or  rightdiag in positions
            or  leftdiag in positions

            b'.won = token





pred finished[ b,b' : Board ] {
    not won[b,b'] implies {
        b'.won = _
        _ not in b'.cells[N][N]
    b'.cells = b.cells
    b'.move = _
    b'.to = none -> none



球员之间的比赛应该轮流进行。这就是为什么我们将玩家保留在前一个棋盘的 move 字段中 并检查它不是我们。然后我们限制棋盘有一个空位置替换为玩家的 令牌。


pred play[b, b' : Board ] {
    some token : X+O {
        b.move != token
        b'.move = token
        some row,col : N {
            b.cells[row][col] = _
            b'.cells = b.cells - row->col->_ + row->col->token
            b'.to = row->col



那么剩下的唯一事情就是设置第一个棋盘并确保游戏(棋盘的轨迹)是 按规则玩。


fact trace {

    first.move = _
    first.won = _
    first.cells = N->N->_

    all b' : Board - first, b  : b'.prev {
        not finished[b,b'] => play[b,b']



通过运行我们可以寻找某些类型的解决方案。在这个例子中,我们试图找到一个游戏,其中 O 以右对角线取胜 ...


run { some b : Board | rightdiag in b.cells.(O) } for 11 but 3 int


这在 Alloy 5 Table 视图中提供了以下输出(table 从 beta 5 重新排序):

│this/Board│cells │move│to │won│
│Board⁰    │0│0│_⁰│_⁰  │   │_⁰ │
│          │ ├─┼──┼────┤   ├───┤
│          │ │1│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          ├─┼─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │1│0│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │1│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          ├─┼─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │2│0│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │1│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│_⁰│    │   │   │
│Board¹    │0│0│_⁰│X⁰  │2│1│_⁰ │
│          │ ├─┼──┼────┼─┴─┼───┤
│          │ │1│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          ├─┼─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │1│0│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │1│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          ├─┼─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │2│0│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │1│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│_⁰│    │   │   │
│Board²    │0│0│_⁰│O⁰  │1│2│_⁰ │
│          │ ├─┼──┼────┼─┴─┼───┤
│          │ │1│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          ├─┼─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │1│0│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │1│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│O⁰│    │   │   │
│          ├─┼─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │2│0│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │1│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│_⁰│    │   │   │
│Board³    │0│0│_⁰│X⁰  │0│1│_⁰ │
│          │ ├─┼──┼────┼─┴─┼───┤
│          │ │1│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          ├─┼─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │1│0│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │1│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│O⁰│    │   │   │
│          ├─┼─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │2│0│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │1│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│_⁰│    │   │   │
│Board⁴    │0│0│O⁰│O⁰  │0│0│_⁰ │
│          │ ├─┼──┼────┼─┴─┼───┤
│          │ │1│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          ├─┼─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │1│0│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │1│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│O⁰│    │   │   │
│          ├─┼─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │2│0│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │1│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│_⁰│    │   │   │
│Board⁵    │0│0│O⁰│X⁰  │2│0│_⁰ │
│          │ ├─┼──┼────┼─┴─┼───┤
│          │ │1│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          ├─┼─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │1│0│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │1│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│O⁰│    │   │   │
│          ├─┼─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │2│0│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │1│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│_⁰│    │   │   │
│Board⁶    │0│0│O⁰│O⁰  │1│1│_⁰ │
│          │ ├─┼──┼────┼─┴─┼───┤
│          │ │1│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          ├─┼─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │1│0│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │1│O⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│O⁰│    │   │   │
│          ├─┼─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │2│0│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │1│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│_⁰│    │   │   │
│Board⁷    │0│0│O⁰│X⁰  │1│0│_⁰ │
│          │ ├─┼──┼────┼─┴─┼───┤
│          │ │1│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          ├─┼─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │1│0│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │1│O⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│O⁰│    │   │   │
│          ├─┼─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │2│0│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │1│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│_⁰│    │   │   │
│Board⁸    │0│0│O⁰│O⁰  │2│2│_⁰ │
│          │ ├─┼──┼────┼─┴─┼───┤
│          │ │1│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          ├─┼─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │1│0│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │1│O⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│O⁰│    │   │   │
│          ├─┼─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │2│0│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │1│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│O⁰│    │   │   │
│Board⁹    │0│0│O⁰│_⁰  │   │O⁰ │
│          │ ├─┼──┼────┤   ├───┤
│          │ │1│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          ├─┼─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │1│0│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │1│O⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│O⁰│    │   │   │
│          ├─┼─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │2│0│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │1│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│O⁰│    │   │   │
│Board¹⁰   │0│0│O⁰│_⁰  │   │O⁰ │
│          │ ├─┼──┼────┤   ├───┤
│          │ │1│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│_⁰│    │   │   │
│          ├─┼─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │1│0│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │1│O⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│O⁰│    │   │   │
│          ├─┼─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │2│0│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │1│X⁰│    │   │   │
│          │ ├─┼──┤    │   │   │
│          │ │2│O⁰│    │   │   │

我在 Lightning 中实现这个示例时获得了一些乐趣。您可能会发现我的结果很有趣:

Lightning() is a language workbench based on Alloy allowing you to define a concrete syntax for any of your Alloy specifications. The concrete syntax is defined through the use of a dedicated model transformation language called (具有 属性 可解释而非可分析的 Alloy 变体),因此您可能需要一些时间来适应它。

该工具可用作 eclipse 插件 (update site)。

这里an archive file包含上图所示的井字棋项目的源码,大家可以自己动手玩一下。