Windows 商店 - 发布 VSTS 发布步骤失败,因为包“...必须由其全名唯一标识”

Windows Store - Publish VSTS release step fails because package "...must be uniquely identified by their full names"

我创建了一个 VSTS 版本以使用 Windows 商店 - 发布步骤(之前安装)将我的应用程序部署到 Windows 商店。我已经建立了连接和一切,它创建了一个提交,但由于这些错误而失败了:

Appx packages (including previously published and currently uploaded) must be uniquely identified by their full names. You have provided two packages with the full name** EagleBusinessSoftware.EBMSMyTime1.5_1.225.45.0_Neutral_~ which have different contents. Please remove one of these packages, or increment current package versions to continue.



我联系了 Windows 开发人员支持,他们非常有帮助!我只需要转到仪表板中的提交,打开“包”页面,然后单击“保存”。
