在另一个 WCF 服务中的阻塞调用中轮询 WCF 服务方法

Polling a WCF service method in a blocking call within a another WCF service




我有两个 WCF 服务(ServiceAServiceB

ServiceA 必须

  1. 每秒或配置的时间间隔轮询 ServiceB
  2. 对于某种状态,
  3. 阻塞直到 ServiceB 返回所需状态
  4. ServiceA 方法然后继续其下一个操作

专注于 Service A 的实现以实现要求,并假设我正在使用为 Service B 生成的服务引用,干净地处理和关闭,定义了接口:

public class ServiceA : IServiceA
   public ResultObject ServiceAMethod()
       var serviceBClient = new ServiceBReference.ServiceBClient();
       //do sometthing
       //call ServiceB every 1second until the status changes or a WCF timeout ends the process
       return new ResultObject{/*set whatever properties need to be set*/}


尝试 1

public class ServiceA : IServiceA
   public ResultObject ServiceAMethod()
        var serviceBClient = new ServiceBReference.ServiceBClient();
        //do sometthing
        //call ServiceB every 1second until the status changes or a WCF timeout ends the process

        var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
        var token = cancellationTokenSource.Token;

        SomeStatusEnum status;
        int pollingInterval = 1000;
        var listener = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
            status = serviceBClient.GetStatus();
            while (status != SomeStatusEnum.Approved)
                if (token.IsCancellationRequested)

                status = serviceBClient.GetStatus();
        }, token, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, TaskScheduler.Default);
       return new ResultObject{/*set whatever properties need to be set determined by status*/}

尝试 2

public class ServiceA : IServiceA
   public ResultObject ServiceAMethod()
        var serviceBClient = new ServiceBReference.ServiceBClient();
        //do sometthing
        //call ServiceB every 1second until the status changes or a WCF timeout ends the process

        SomeStatusEnum status;
        int pollingInterval = 1000;

        status = serviceBClient.GetStatus();
        while (status == SomeStatusEnum.Approved)
            status = serviceBClient.GetStatus();;
            if (status != SomeStatusEnum.Approved)
       return new ResultObject{/*set whatever properties need to be set determined by status*/}

在这两种情况下,状态都不会设置为预期值。我做错了什么?是否存在可能导致此问题的与 WCF 应用程序关联的行为?


  1. WCF Thread Sleep
  2. C# error System.NullReferenceException
  3. Calling a method every x minutes
  4. When to use Task.Delay, when to use Thread.Sleep?

