
Cassandra read process

比如说,我有一个 table,有 4 列。我在里面写了一些数据。如果我尝试读取数据,过程会像 this。我想了解一个特定的场景,在这个场景中,所有列(我正在尝试读取的行)都存在于 memtable 中。是否会检查 SSTables 中是否有此类行的数据?我认为,在这种情况下,没有必要检查 SSTables,因为显然 memtable 中的数据将是最新的副本。因此,在这种情况下,与 memtable 没有行或仅包含部分数据时相比,读取速度应该更快。

我创建了一个 table(user_data),并输入了一些数据,这导致创建了 2 个 SSTable。在此之后,我插入了一个新行。我检查了数据目录并确保 SSTable 计数仍然是 2。这意味着我输入的新数据位于 Memtable 中。我在 cqlsh 中设置了 'tracing on',然后选择了同一行。下面给出的是输出:

Tracing session: de2e8ce0-cf1e-11e6-9318-a131a78ce29a

 activity                                                                                     | timestamp                  | source        | source_elapsed | client
                                                                           Execute CQL3 query | 2016-12-31 11:33:36.494000 | |              0 |
 Parsing select address,age from user_data where name='Kishan'; [Native-Transport-Requests-1] | 2016-12-31 11:33:36.495000 | |            182 |
                                            Preparing statement [Native-Transport-Requests-1] | 2016-12-31 11:33:36.495000 | |            340 |
                                  Executing single-partition query on user_data [ReadStage-2] | 2016-12-31 11:33:36.495000 | |            693 |
                                                   Acquiring sstable references [ReadStage-2] | 2016-12-31 11:33:36.495000 | |            765 |
                                                      Merging memtable contents [ReadStage-2] | 2016-12-31 11:33:36.495000 | |            821 |
                                         Read 1 live rows and 0 tombstone cells [ReadStage-2] | 2016-12-31 11:33:36.495000 | |           1028 |
                                                                             Request complete | 2016-12-31 11:33:36.495225 | |           1225 |

这里的"Acquiring sstable references"我没看懂是什么意思。由于完整的数据位于 Memtable 中,因此,据我了解,无需检查 SSTables。那么,这些参考资料到底有什么用呢?

all the columns(of the row which I'm trying to read) are present in the memtable.Will SSTables, be checked for data for such a row?

在这种特殊情况下,它还会并行检查 memtable 中的 sstable 数据。

只会去sstable(其实先在row-cache,然后bloom filter然后sstable),对于该列,内存表中不存在。


要了解有关读取过程如何工作的更多信息,请深入了解 cassandra 源代码。让我们从跟踪日志开始,我们将逐行执行这些步骤:


Executing single-partition query on user_data [ReadStage-2]

您的 select 查询是一个单分区行查询,这很明显。 Cassandra 只需要从单个分区读取数据。我们跳转到对应的方法和java-doc这里,就是self-explained:

 * Queries both memtable and sstables to fetch the result of this query.
 * <p>
 * Please note that this method:
 *   1) does not check the row cache.
 *   2) does not apply the query limit, nor the row filter (and so ignore 2ndary indexes).
 *      Those are applied in {@link ReadCommand#executeLocally}.
 *   3) does not record some of the read metrics (latency, scanned cells histograms) nor
 *      throws TombstoneOverwhelmingException.
 * It is publicly exposed because there is a few places where that is exactly what we want,
 * but it should be used only where you know you don't need thoses things.
 * <p>
 * Also note that one must have created a {@code ReadExecutionController} on the queried table and we require it as
 * a parameter to enforce that fact, even though it's not explicitlly used by the method.
public UnfilteredRowIterator queryMemtableAndDisk(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, ReadExecutionController executionController)
    assert executionController != null && executionController.validForReadOn(cfs);
    Tracing.trace("Executing single-partition query on {}",;

    return queryMemtableAndDiskInternal(cfs);

从 avobe 步骤我们发现,对于您的查询,它将调用 queryMemtableAndDiskInternal(cfs); 这个方法:

private UnfilteredRowIterator queryMemtableAndDiskInternal(ColumnFamilyStore cfs)
         * We have 2 main strategies:
         *   1) We query memtables and sstables simulateneously. This is our most generic strategy and the one we use
         *      unless we have a names filter that we know we can optimize futher.
         *   2) If we have a name filter (so we query specific rows), we can make a bet: that all column for all queried row
         *      will have data in the most recent sstable(s), thus saving us from reading older ones. This does imply we
         *      have a way to guarantee we have all the data for what is queried, which is only possible for name queries
         *      and if we have neither non-frozen collections/UDTs nor counters (indeed, for a non-frozen collection or UDT,
         *      we can't guarantee an older sstable won't have some elements that weren't in the most recent sstables,
         *      and counters are intrinsically a collection of shards and so have the same problem).
        if (clusteringIndexFilter() instanceof ClusteringIndexNamesFilter && !queriesMulticellType())
            return queryMemtableAndSSTablesInTimestampOrder(cfs, (ClusteringIndexNamesFilter)clusteringIndexFilter());


We have 2 main strategies: 1) We query memtables and sstables simulateneously. This is our most generic strategy and the one we use........

Cassandra 同时查询 memtables 和 sstables。

之后,如果我们跳转到 queryMemtableAndSSTablesInTimestampOrder 方法,我们会发现:

 * Do a read by querying the memtable(s) first, and then each relevant sstables sequentially by order of the sstable
 * max timestamp.
 * This is used for names query in the hope of only having to query the 1 or 2 most recent query and then knowing nothing
 * more recent could be in the older sstables (which we can only guarantee if we know exactly which row we queries, and if
 * no collection or counters are included).
 * This method assumes the filter is a {@code ClusteringIndexNamesFilter}.
private UnfilteredRowIterator queryMemtableAndSSTablesInTimestampOrder(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, ClusteringIndexNamesFilter filter)
    Tracing.trace("Acquiring sstable references");
    ColumnFamilyStore.ViewFragment view =, partitionKey()));

    ImmutableBTreePartition result = null;

    Tracing.trace("Merging memtable contents");
    .... // then it also looks into sstable on timestamp order.


Acquiring sstable references [ReadStage-2]

Merging memtable contents [ReadStage-2]


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