如何使用 JES 计算文件中的字符数(Python 学生)

How to count characters in a file using JES (Python for students)

如何让 python 读取文本文件和 return linescharactersvowelsconsonants 的数量, lowercase letters,以及 uppercase letters

编写一个接受文件名作为命令行参数的程序。 (您可以假设输入文件是纯文本文件。)如果用户忘记包含命令行参数,您的程序应该退出并显示适当的错误消息。



编辑 这是我的最终计划,非常完美。感谢大家的帮助。特别感谢 Bentaye :)

import sys
def text(): 
    countV = 0 
    countC = 0 
    lines = 0 
    countU = 0
    countL = 0
    characters = 0 
    vowels = set("AEIOUaeiou") 
    cons = set("bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzBCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ")    
    lower = set("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")

    with open(sys.argv[1]) as file:
        fileLines = file.readlines()

    for line in fileLines: 
        lines = lines + 1 
        characters = characters + len(line) 
        for char in line: 
            if char in vowels: 
                countV = countV + 1 
            elif char in cons: 
                countC = countC + 1
        for char in line:
            if char in upper:
                countU = countU + 1
            elif char in lower:
                countL = countL + 1
    print("Lines: " + str(lines)) 
    print("Characters: " + str(characters)) 
    print("Vowels: " + str(countV)) 
    print("Consonants: " + str(countC))
    print("Lowercase: " + str(countL))
    print("Uppercase: " + str(countU))

这解决了您的问题,您现在可以在 upper/lower 案例

  • 使用sys.argv[0]捕获参数(需要导入sys
  • 然后使用 file.readlines() 获取行数组(作为字符串)


import sys

countV = 0 
countC = 0 
lines = 0 
characters = 0 
vowels = set("AEIOUaeiou") 
cons = set("bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzBCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ") 

with open(sys.argv[0]) as file:
    fileLines = file.readlines()

    for line in fileLines: 
        lines = lines + 1 
        characters = characters + len(line) 
        for char in line: 
            if char in vowels: 
                countV = countV + 1 
            elif char in cons: 
                countC = countC + 1

    print("Lines: " + str(lines)) 
    print("Characters: " + str(characters)) 
    print (countV) 
    print (countC)


python test.py yourFile.txt 


import sys

vowels = "aeiou"
cons = "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz"

with open(sys.argv[0]) as file:
    fileLines = file.readlines()

    countVowels = 0 
    countConsonants = 0 
    countUpperCase = 0 
    countLowerCase = 0 
    countLines = 0 
    countCharacters = 0 
    countNonLetters = 0 

    for line in fileLines: 
        countLines += 1 
        countCharacters = countCharacters + len(line) 
        for char in line: 
            if char.isalpha():
                if char.lower() in vowels: 
                    countVowels += 1 
                elif char.lower() in cons: 
                    countConsonants += 1

                if char.isupper():
                    countUpperCase += 1
                elif char.islower():
                    countLowerCase += 1

                countNonLetters += 1

    print("Lines: " + str(countLines)) 
    print("Characters: " + str(countCharacters)) 
    print("Vowels: " + str(countVowels)) 
    print("Consonants: " + str(countConsonants)) 
    print("Upper case: " + str(countUpperCase)) 
    print("Lower case: " + str(countLowerCase)) 
    print("Non letters: " + str(countNonLetters))