使用 data::dumper 在终端上打印电子邮件
print out email on terminal using data::dumper
即使阅读了 Perl 文档并查看了 git 中的其他脚本,我仍然不明白如何使用 Data::Dumper。我在网上看到很多处理哈希的例子,但我认为这不太适合我需要做的事情。
我正在创建一个脚本,用于向经理或团队发送有关离职员工的电子邮件。我被告知将 print Dumper $email
添加到我的代码中,以便在使用 --dry_run 选项时,我们可以在终端上看到电子邮件的打印输出。 --dry_run 还可以确保电子邮件并未实际发送。当我 运行 perl <script> --dry_run
时,没有任何反应。也许我需要按照 $d = Data::Dumper->new(
use strict;
use warnings;
use NIE::Email;
use Data::Dumper;
use List::Util qw(any);
use Getopt::Long;
Getopt::Long::Configure qw(gnu_getopt);
my ($qa, $verbose, $dry_run, $help, $dbh);
'qa' => $qa,
'verbose|v' => $verbose,
'dry_run' => $dry_run,
'help|h' => $help
#Generate email here
sub mail_func {
print "Prepare email\n" if $verbose;
my $n = shift; #user
my $i = shift; #ips
my $t = shift; #testnets
my $m = shift; #managers (multiple if owner is undef)
my @to_list; # send to field
foreach my $value (values %{$t}) {
if ($value ne 'lab@abc.com') { #don't send this email to lab@
if (any { $value eq $_ } @to_list) { #check not already listed
else { push(@to_list, $value); }
foreach my $key (keys %{$m}) {
if ($key ne 'def') {
if (any { $key eq $_ } @to_list) {
else { push(@to_list, $key . '@abc.com'); }
my @body;
while (my ($key, $value) = each %{$i}) {
my $b = "IP " . $key . " : Testnet " . $value . "\n";
push(@body, $b);
my $sub1 = "Ownership needed!";
my $sub2 = "Ownership needed script special case";
my $email;
#Email testnet group (if not lab) as well as manager of term employee
if (@to_list) {
$email = NIE::Email->new(
From => 'do-not-reply@abc.com',
To => join(',', @to_list),
'Reply-to' => 'def@abc.com',
Subject => $sub1,
"Good Day, \n\n The below machines need claimed as their previous"
. " owner, $n, is showing up as no longer with the company. \n"
. "Please visit website to change"
. " ownership of these machhines. \n\n"
. "@body \n\n"
. "If you have already requested an ownership change for these"
. " machines, please disregard this message."
. "\n\n Thank you \n -Lab team \n\n"
. "This script is under active development and could contain"
. " bugs, so please speak up if you have doubts or something "
. "looks strange."
. "\n Script name: lab_ownership_needed_email");
if ($dry_run) {print Dumper($email);}
else {$email->send();}
还原为原始代码,重新添加代码,重新运行 脚本,它起作用了。
感谢 simbabque,他首先声明代码看起来是正确的。
即使阅读了 Perl 文档并查看了 git 中的其他脚本,我仍然不明白如何使用 Data::Dumper。我在网上看到很多处理哈希的例子,但我认为这不太适合我需要做的事情。
我正在创建一个脚本,用于向经理或团队发送有关离职员工的电子邮件。我被告知将 print Dumper $email
添加到我的代码中,以便在使用 --dry_run 选项时,我们可以在终端上看到电子邮件的打印输出。 --dry_run 还可以确保电子邮件并未实际发送。当我 运行 perl <script> --dry_run
时,没有任何反应。也许我需要按照 $d = Data::Dumper->new(
use strict;
use warnings;
use NIE::Email;
use Data::Dumper;
use List::Util qw(any);
use Getopt::Long;
Getopt::Long::Configure qw(gnu_getopt);
my ($qa, $verbose, $dry_run, $help, $dbh);
'qa' => $qa,
'verbose|v' => $verbose,
'dry_run' => $dry_run,
'help|h' => $help
#Generate email here
sub mail_func {
print "Prepare email\n" if $verbose;
my $n = shift; #user
my $i = shift; #ips
my $t = shift; #testnets
my $m = shift; #managers (multiple if owner is undef)
my @to_list; # send to field
foreach my $value (values %{$t}) {
if ($value ne 'lab@abc.com') { #don't send this email to lab@
if (any { $value eq $_ } @to_list) { #check not already listed
else { push(@to_list, $value); }
foreach my $key (keys %{$m}) {
if ($key ne 'def') {
if (any { $key eq $_ } @to_list) {
else { push(@to_list, $key . '@abc.com'); }
my @body;
while (my ($key, $value) = each %{$i}) {
my $b = "IP " . $key . " : Testnet " . $value . "\n";
push(@body, $b);
my $sub1 = "Ownership needed!";
my $sub2 = "Ownership needed script special case";
my $email;
#Email testnet group (if not lab) as well as manager of term employee
if (@to_list) {
$email = NIE::Email->new(
From => 'do-not-reply@abc.com',
To => join(',', @to_list),
'Reply-to' => 'def@abc.com',
Subject => $sub1,
"Good Day, \n\n The below machines need claimed as their previous"
. " owner, $n, is showing up as no longer with the company. \n"
. "Please visit website to change"
. " ownership of these machhines. \n\n"
. "@body \n\n"
. "If you have already requested an ownership change for these"
. " machines, please disregard this message."
. "\n\n Thank you \n -Lab team \n\n"
. "This script is under active development and could contain"
. " bugs, so please speak up if you have doubts or something "
. "looks strange."
. "\n Script name: lab_ownership_needed_email");
if ($dry_run) {print Dumper($email);}
else {$email->send();}
还原为原始代码,重新添加代码,重新运行 脚本,它起作用了。 上面的代码是正确的。 感谢 simbabque,他首先声明代码看起来是正确的。