要成为 NSDictionary 的键,class 还必须实现 isEqual: 和哈希吗?

To be a key of an NSDictionary, must a class also implement isEqual: and hash?

我知道 class 必须实现 NSCopying 才能成为 NSDictionary 的键,但我也在实现 isEqual:hash有必要还是建议?




考虑访问字典的元素,NSDictionary 如何找到与键关联的对象?通过比较您提供的键值与字典中的键。




看到我猜的是 你也问过我将符合上述条件 "Yes":

如果 class 继承了 isEqual:hash 方法,这些方法适当地为自己定义了相等性,则它不需要用自己的版本覆盖这些方法。如果 class 直接继承自 NSObject.

,这很可能 not 为真

您可以在文档中找到它: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/Classes/NSDictionary_Class/index.html

A key-value pair within a dictionary is called an entry. Each entry consists of one object that represents the key and a second object that is that key’s value. Within a dictionary, the keys are unique. That is, no two keys in a single dictionary are equal (as determined by isEqual:). In general, a key can be any object (provided that it conforms to the NSCopying protocol—see below), but note that when using key-value coding the key must be a string (see Key-Value Coding Fundamentals). Neither a key nor a value can be nil; if you need to represent a null value in a dictionary, you should use NSNull