具有流量管理器和应用程序网关的多站点 Web 应用程序

Multi-site web apps with traffic manager and appllication gateway

我设置了这个 azure。

  1. 2 个 LOB 应用服务(Web 应用)在同一区域,比如 contoso.com 和 Fabrikam.com。我在全球有 3 个不同的地区使用相同的应用程序。
  2. 流量管理器将管理这些区域。
  3. 每个区域都有一个应用程序网关将请求重定向到适当的主机。
  4. 流量管理器需要管理所有 3 个区域中应用程序网关的 public ip,并相应地重定向请求。




  1. 您在每个区域都有一个 App Gateway。
  2. 您有一个适用于所有区域的流量管理器。
  3. 您没有在 App Gateways 上配置 multi-site 个侦听器。
  4. Multi-site需要为每个主机名配置监听器:fabrikam.com、www.fabrikam.com、contoso.com、www.contoso.com等。请注意,单个 App Gateway 有 20 个 multi-site 听众的限制!
  5. 流量管理器将配置三个端点,即每个应用程序网关的三个 public IP 地址。
  6. 您使用的示例主机的 CNAMES 指向相同的流量管理器 DNS 名称。
  7. App Gateway 将根据主机 header 重定向将流量重定向到适当的后端池,如下所述:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/application-gateway/application-gateway-multi-site-overview:

Currently an application gateway gets a single public IP address on which it listens for traffic. Therefore supporting multiple applications, each with its own IP address, > is currently not supported. Application Gateway supports hosting multiple applications each listening on different ports but this scenario would require the applications to > accept traffic on non-standard ports and is often not a desired configuration. Application Gateway relies on HTTP 1.1 host headers to host more than one website on the same > public IP address and port. The sites hosted on application gateway can also support SSL offload with Server Name Indication (SNI) TLS extension. This scenario means that > the client browser and backend web farm must support HTTP/1.1 and TLS extension as defined in RFC 6066.