PrestaShop 安装失败并出现异常 'Property Currency->decimals is not valid'

PrestaShop install fails with exception 'Property Currency->decimals is not valid'

我最近无法安装 PrestaShop或。


PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'PrestaShopException' with message 'Property Currency->decimals is not valid' in */classes/ObjectModel.php:917


PrestaShop 版本 1.6。1.x PHP 版本 5.6

我也遇到同样的问题。我用这个 post 解决了它: :

I don't know which localization are you trying to install, i was installing the Italian pack. I think that Prestashop made some change to its localization files (in a wrong way), because if you go to (it's the file that presta try to import during the installation process), you can see that 'decimals' field is set to 2, that causes the error.

However after the first installation attempt, prestashop should copy this file in cache in order to use it next times, so try to go to /cache/sandbox/ and see if there is a file named 16{your_localization_iso}.xml and, if it exists, modify the currency line changing decimals form 2 to 1. It should fix the problem.

所以,安装过程中从 Prestashop 下载语言包似乎是暂时的问题。
