
Is there a word for the number of dimensions of a data set?

我有一些代码可以生成一些代码,我想将生成的数据结构的维数存储在一个变量中。我正在寻找这个变量的正确名称。例如,int 应具有值 0,List<int> 应具有值 1,List<List<int>> 应具有值 2,依此类推。

有没有集合论或其他方面的词来描述这个数字? (起初我以为是基数,但显然这是集合的大小,而不是集合的嵌套性....)

您要查找的词似乎是 rank

In computer programming, rank with no further specifications is usually a synonym for (or refers to) "number of dimensions"; thus, a bi-dimensional array has rank two, a three-dimensional array has rank three and so on. Strictly, no formal definition can be provided which applies to every programming language, since each of them has its own concepts, semantics and terminology; the term may not even be applicable or, to the contrary, applied with a very specific meaning in the context of a given language.

linear algebra中也使用相同的术语:

In linear algebra, the rank of a matrix A is the size of the largest collection of linearly independent columns of A (the column rank) or the size of the largest collection of linearly independent rows of A (the row rank). For every matrix, the column rank is equal to the row rank. It is a measure of the "nondegenerateness" of the system of linear equations and linear transformation encoded by A. There are multiple equivalent definitions of rank. A matrix's rank is one of its most fundamental characteristics.

另请参阅数学堆栈交换中的this discussion on the definition of rank as related to sets

最后 this 是 OP 雇主为数组命名的方式 :D