如何将调色板颜色添加到 R 中的散点图中

How to add a palette color into a scatterplot graph in R


  1. 数据示例

     tw = c(15000, 3000, 2500, 2000, 1500, 1500, 500)
     re.tw = c(8000, 6000, 5500, 3300, 700, 1000, 1500)
     Country = c('Argentina', 'Brasil', 'Mexico', 'Chile', 'Venezuela',   'Espana', 'EEUU')
     b = data.frame(tw,re.tw,Country)
     b$Ratio = as.integer((b$tw / b$re.tw)*1000)
  2. 散点图

      ggplot(b, aes(x=tw, y=re.tw)) + 
      geom_point(aes(col=Country, size=Ratio)) +
      theme_minimal() +
      xlim(c(0, 15000)) + 
      ylim(c(0, 8000)) + 
      labs(subtitle="by country, final values for #Hashtag", 
     title="Twetts Vs Retweets")
  3. 使用此代码的结果

  1. 预期结果 同一张图,使用蓝色调色板



# 1. Some values 
#Single command is usually better/simple than few commands. 
df = data.frame(tw = c(15000, 3000, 2500, 2000, 1500, 1500, 500),
               re.tw = c(8000, 6000, 5500, 3300, 700, 1000, 1500),
               Country = c('Argentina', 'Brasil', 'Mexico', 'Chile',
                           'Venezuela',   'Espana', 'EEUU')) %>%
  mutate(Ratio = (tw/re.tw)*100)

# 2. Scatterplot
df %>%
  #I find it easier to put all (or most) of the aes in one place
ggplot(aes(x = tw, y = re.tw, col = Country, size = Ratio)) + 
  geom_point() +
  #Setting the colors to palette Blues. 
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Blues") +
  theme_minimal() +
  xlim(c(0, 15000)) + 
  ylim(c(0, 8000)) + 
  labs(subtitle="by country, final values for #Dante2018", 
       title="Twetts Vs Retweets", 
       caption = "Source: Tweets from January to April with #Dante2018")

有关 scale_color_brewer 的更多信息,您可以找到 here

答案 here 可能会帮助您为最大值设置一种特定颜色