无论所有权如何,允许所有用户在 VOB 中进行只读访问 属性

Allow the readonly access in a VOB for all users regardless of the ownership property

允许所有用户在 VOB 中进行只读访问,而不管用户和 VOB 的所有权属性。

您可以查看技术说明“About read-only views”:

In ClearCase 4.x and later the cleartool chview command is available to change the properties of a view.
The command offers both the -readonly and -readwrite (the default) options to switch the access mode to the view private storage. You must be the view owner or the root user on the view_server host to use chview.

参见cleartool chview command


cleartool lsview -prop -full dynamic_view

请注意,对于 UCM,您还可以选择“About UCM Modifiable Streams and UCM Read-only Streams


Read only streams will never be associated with a branch type.

This means no versions can be created on the stream. No data will ever be delivered to or from the stream, only rebasing is allowed on a read only stream, which is to control the baseline (or versions) that