ENTER_FRAME 事件无法与 MouseEvent As3 一起正常工作

ENTER_FRAME Event not working correctly with MouseEvent As3


//buttons for main screen left and right
        mainScreen.leftBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, leftButtonClicked);
        mainScreen.rightBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, rightButtonClicked);

private function leftButtonClicked(e:MouseEvent):void 
        if (e.type == MouseEvent.CLICK)
            clickLeft = true;

    private function rightButtonClicked(e:MouseEvent):void 
        if (e.type == MouseEvent.CLICK)
            clickRight = true;

现在这些控制我在名为 logControls(); 的 ENTER_FRAME 事件侦听器函数中设置的日志轮换,如下所示:

    private function logControls():void 

        if (clickRight)

            log.rotation += 20;

        if (clickLeft)
            log.rotation -= 20;



您可能只需要在设置旋转时将 opposite var 设置为 false 即可。因此,如果您向左旋转,则需要将 clickRight 变量设置为 false。

mainScreen.leftBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, rotationBtnClicked);
mainScreen.rightBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, rotationBtnClicked);

private function rotationBtnClicked(e:MouseEvent):void {
    clickLeft = e.currentTarget == mainScreen.leftBtn; //if it was left button clicked, this will true, otherwise false
    clickRight = e.currentTarge == mainScreen.rightBtn; //if it wasn't right button, this will now be false

private function logControls():void {
    if (clickRight){
        log.rotation += 20;

    if (clickLeft){
        log.rotation -= 20;