如何在 Graphviz Dot 中创建从节点到子图的边?

How to create an edge from a node to a subgraph in Graphviz Dot?

我想创建一个看起来像这样的图表,我。 e.其中一条边从节点 Manufacturer of means of production 到同名子图。


digraph G {

    graph [fontname="Liberation Mono"];
    node [fontname="Liberation Mono"];
    edge [fontname="Liberation Mono"];

    subgraph cluster0 {
        label="System components";
        mmp [label="Manufacturer of means of production", shape=box];

    subgraph cluster1 {
        t1start [label="Start of tact 1", shape=point]
        t1end [label="End of tact 1", shape=point ]
        subgraph cluster1_mmp {
            label="Manufacturer of means of production"

            cluster1_1 [label="Node 1", color=white]

            subgraph cluster1_1_1 {
                label="Technological cycle 1"

                cluster1_1_1 [label="Node 2", color=white]
            subgraph cluster1_1_2 {
                label="Technological cycle 2"

                cluster1_1_2 [label="Node 2", color=white]

    subgraph cluster2 {
        label="Такт 2"
        t2start [label="Start of tact 2", shape=point]
        t2end [label="End of tact 2", shape=point]

    t1end -> t2start
    mmp -> cluster1_1 [ltail=cluster1_mmp]; 

如果我尝试编译此代码 ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin\"dot.exe -Tpng -ograph.png graph.dot ),我会收到警告 Warning: mmp -> cluster1_1: tail not inside tail cluster cluster1_mmp.


更新 1:

您可以在下面找到预期结果的图像 -- 从节点到子图(子图,而不是子图中的节点)的边。下图中这条边是红色的。

更新 2:更改了如下所示的代码。

digraph G {

    graph [fontname="Liberation Mono"];
    node [fontname="Liberation Mono"];
    edge [fontname="Liberation Mono"];

    subgraph cluster0 {
        label="System components";
        mmp [label="Manufacturer of means of production", shape=box];

    subgraph cluster1 {
        t1start [label="Start of tact 1", shape=point]
        t1end [label="End of tact 1", shape=point ]
        subgraph cluster1_mmp {
            label="Manufacturer of means of production"

            testNode [label="Node 1", color=white]

            subgraph cluster1_1_1 {
                label="Technological cycle 1"

                cluster1_1_1 [label="Node 2", color=white]
            subgraph cluster1_1_2 {
                label="Technological cycle 2"

                cluster1_1_2 [label="Node 2", color=white]

    subgraph cluster2 {
        label="Такт 2"
        t2start [label="Start of tact 2", shape=point]
        t2end [label="End of tact 2", shape=point]

    t1end -> t2start
    mmp -> cluster1 [ltail=cluster0, lhead=cluster1, label="           "];


嗯,你的意思是 "lhead=cluster1_mmp" 而不是 ltail?


mmp -> cluster1_1 [ltail=cluster1_mmp]; 

您收到的错误消息是"Warning: mmp -> cluster1_1: tail not inside tail cluster cluster1_mmp"

这表示你的尾巴不在尾巴簇内。尾簇是cluster1_mmp。 cluster1_1,您要连接的肯定在 cluster1_mmp 内。这解释了你的困惑。

只有在使用 GraphvizFiddle 进行大量调查后,我才最终记起带箭头的尖端是 head(即语法是 tail -> head)。

因此,cluster1_1,您要说的节点在 cluster1_mmp 中是箭头的头部。这就是您的 ltail 规范不起作用的原因。将其更改为 lhead 可以消除错误消息并生成一个看起来像您的图片的图形。箭头指向子图,正是您在问题中要求的。

这里有两个 GraphvizFiddle,其中一个 of the original code generating the original error and one with ltail changed to lhead 与您的图片匹配。

(我确定我已经花了很长时间在我自己的图表中调试相同的问题。也许 Graphviz 可以获得更新以检查 ltail 参数是否对箭头有意义,反之亦然并吐出更有帮助的错误消息。)


mmp -> cluster1_1 [ltail=cluster1_mmp];

mmp -> cluster1_1 [lhead=cluster1 label="           "]



mmp -> cluster1_1 [ltail=cluster0 lhead=cluster1 label="           "];



digraph G {

    graph [fontname="Liberation Mono"];
    node [fontname="Liberation Mono"];
    edge [fontname="Liberation Mono"];

    subgraph cluster0 {
        label="System components";
        mmp [label="Manufacturer of means of production", shape=box];

    subgraph cluster1 {
        t1start [label="Start of tact 1", shape=point]
        t1end [label="End of tact 1", shape=point ]
        subgraph cluster1_mmp {
            label="Manufacturer of means of production"

            cluster1_1 [label="Node 1", color=white]

            subgraph cluster1_1_1 {
                label="Technological cycle 1"

                cluster1_1_1 [label="Node 2", color=white]
            subgraph cluster1_1_2 {
                label="Technological cycle 2"

                cluster1_1_2 [label="Node 2", color=white]

    subgraph cluster2 {
        label="Такт 2"
        t2start [label="Start of tact 2", shape=point]
        t2end [label="End of tact 2", shape=point]

    t1end -> t2start
    mmp -> cluster1_1 [lhead=cluster1 label="           "]
