JAXB 编组到 XML - 当模式验证失败时有没有办法处理它?

JAXB marshalling to XML - Is there a way to handle it when Schema validation fails?

我使用 JAXB 是为了 marshall/unmarshall 一些对象到 XML 文件,用于我想要实现的小型服务。现在,我的 XML 架构(.xsd 文件)包含一些 unique 约束:

<xs:unique name="uniqueValueID">
    <xs:selector xpath="entry/value"/>
    <xs:field xpath="id"/>

我已将我的 XML 模式加载到我的编组器对象中:

try {
//Set schema onto the marshaller object
SchemaFactory sf = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI); 
Schema schema = sf.newSchema(new File(xsdFileName)); 
jaxbMarshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);

//Apply marshalling here
jaxbMarshaller.marshal(myObjectToMarshall, new File(xmlFileNName));
} catch (JAXBException | SAXException ex) {
   //Exception handling code here....


我猜测问题是编组器打开了一个文件流,但是当验证失败时,它没有正确处理这种情况。有没有办法正确处理这个问题,以便在验证失败时,不对 XML 文件应用写入操作?

JAX-B 编组器将写入各种 Java™ 输出接口。如果我想确定没有字节被写入文件或其他固定实体应该编组失败,我使用一个字符串缓冲区来包含编组过程的结果,然后写入包含在中的编组 XML 文档缓冲区,像这样:

        StringWriter output = new StringWriter ();
        JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance (packageId);
        FileWriter savedAs;

        // Marshal the XML data to a string buffer here
        Marshaller marshalList = jc.createMarshaller ();
        marshalList.setProperty (Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);
        marshalList.marshal (toUpdate, output);

        // append the xml to the file to update here.
        savedAs = new FileWriter (new File (xmlFileName), true);
        savedAs.write (output.toString);
     catch (IOException iox)
        String msg = "IO error on save: " + iox.getMessage ();
        throw new LocalException (msg, 40012, "UNKNOWN", iox);
     catch (JAXBException jbx)
        String msg = "Error writing definitions: " + jbx.getMessage ();
        throw new LocalException (msg, 40005, "UNKNOWN", jbx);


对于一个稍微更优雅但风险更高的解决方案,缓冲写入器 (java.io.BufferedWriter),它允许创建它的调用者设置缓冲区大小。如果缓冲区大小超过文档的大小,程序可能不会向文件写入任何内容,除非程序在流上调用 close 或 flush。