Bootstrap 集成到 CMS 时,手风琴会恶意滑动

Bootstrap Accordion Viciously Sliding Around When Integrated into CMS


好吧,现在设计很生气,我找不到原因。我认为 CSS 有问题,我的开发人员认为 jQuery UI.


THE LINK (our staging area)

它是响应式的,所以当您缩小网站时,我的移动版本就会出现。当您开始单击 Entertainment/Stay 和 Play/Dining/Gaming 磁贴时,麻烦就来了。他们在这些事情上滑动非常奇怪,我无法确定问题的来源。


jQueryUI的手风琴和Bootstrap的手风琴may be in conflict - in which case, you can make sure that jQuery UI Accordion isn't being included in the website, or download a special version of jQuery UI which is designed to not conflict with Bootstrap.