如何使用 _Cons 棱镜进行构图

How to compose using the _Cons prism


{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module LensExample where

import qualified Control.Lens.TH as LensTH
import Control.Lens.Cons (_Cons)
import qualified Control.Lens.Fold

data StackExample = StackExample {
    _internal :: [String]
} deriving (Show)

start = StackExample { _internal = ["Hello", "World"]}

LensTH.makeLenses 'StackExample

popString :: [String] -> Maybe (String, [String])
popString ss = Control.Lens.Fold.preview _Cons ss

popWithPrism :: StackExample -> Maybe (String, StackExample)
popWithPrism s = Control.Lens.Fold.preview _xxx s

我如何结合 internal_Cons 生成 _xxx


popWithPrism :: StackExample -> Maybe (String, StackExample)
popWithPrism = preview $ internal . _Cons . alongside id (re internal)

这个想法是以内部列表为目标,用 _Cons 拆分它,并用 alongside 映射结果元组的每个部分——特别是第二个元素,以便重新应用StackExample 构造函数。