
Making dungeon map generator: stuck with doors

我制作了一个原始的地牢生成器(纯 JavaScript)来创建附近的房间。 Link 一段工作代码在 post 的底部。




更新。问题解决了。在 raul.vila 的帮助下,可以使算法进入工作状态。现在生成器会执行到达每个房间所需的最少门数,然后创建几个额外的门来改善地牢的连通性。



var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

const DWIDTH = 32; // Dungeon width
const DHEIGHT = 32; // Dungeon height
const ROOMINTERVAL = 8; // Room density (3+)
const MINROOM = 3; // Min room size. Must be ROOMINTERVAL - 2 or bigger
const EXTRADOORS = 5; // Additional doors for better connectivity


// Displays primitive map of the dungeon
function showDungeon() {
  for (var x = 0; x < DWIDTH; x++) {
    for (var y = 0; y < DHEIGHT; y++) {
      switch (dungeon[x][y]) {
        case 0:
          ctx.fillStyle = "lightgrey";
          ctx.rect(x * 20, y * 20, 18, 18);
        case 1:
          ctx.fillStyle = "black";
          ctx.rect(x * 20, y * 20, 18, 18);
        case 2:
          ctx.fillStyle = "black";
          ctx.rect(x * 20 + 1, y * 20 + 1, 16, 16);
          ctx.rect(x * 20 + 12, y * 20 + 6, 2, 4);

// Generates dungeon of rooms and doors
function genDungeon() {

  // Fill full dungeon with walls
  dungeon = new Array();
  dungeon.dup(1, 0, 0, DWIDTH, DHEIGHT);

  // Create random seeds of growth in size MINROOM x MINROOM
  var seeds = new Array();
  while (true) {
    var free = dungeon.biggestFree(0, 0, 0, DWIDTH, DHEIGHT);
    if (free.biggest < ROOMINTERVAL) {
    } else {
      roomX = free.x + 1 + rnd(free.biggest - 1 - MINROOM);
      roomY = free.y + 1 + rnd(free.biggest - 1 - MINROOM);
      dungeon.dup(0, roomX, roomY, MINROOM, MINROOM);
        x: roomX,
        y: roomY,
        width: MINROOM,
        height: MINROOM,
        delete: "no"

  var rooms = [];

  // Now we have seeds of growth in array rooms.
  // Lets try to expand seeds by moving their walls
  while (seeds.length > 0) {
    for (var i = 0; i < seeds.length; i++) {
      // Determine the directions in which the room can grow 
      var dirs = [];
      if (seeds[i].x >= 2 && dungeon.freeRect(0, seeds[i].x - 2, seeds[i].y - 1, 1, seeds[i].height + 2)) {
      if (seeds[i].x + seeds[i].width < DWIDTH - 1 && dungeon.freeRect(0, seeds[i].x + seeds[i].width + 1, seeds[i].y - 1, 1, seeds[i].height + 2)) {
      if (seeds[i].y >= 2 && dungeon.freeRect(0, seeds[i].x - 1, seeds[i].y - 2, seeds[i].width + 2, 1)) {
      if (seeds[i].y + seeds[i].height < DHEIGHT - 1 && dungeon.freeRect(0, seeds[i].x - 1, seeds[i].y + seeds[i].height + 1, seeds[i].width + 2, 1)) {

      // Now expand room in random direction
      if (dirs.length > 0) {
        if (dirs[0] == 'left') {
          dungeon.dup(0, seeds[i].x - 1, seeds[i].y, 1, seeds[i].height);
        if (dirs[0] == 'right') {
          dungeon.dup(0, seeds[i].x + seeds[i].width, seeds[i].y, 1, seeds[i].height);
        if (dirs[0] == 'up') {
          dungeon.dup(0, seeds[i].x, seeds[i].y - 1, seeds[i].width, 1);
        if (dirs[0] == 'down') {
          dungeon.dup(0, seeds[i].x, seeds[i].y + seeds[i].height, seeds[i].width, 1);
      } else {
        seeds[i].delete = "yes";
      seeds = seeds.filter(o => o.delete == "no");

  // Make required doors
  var startRoom = rooms[0];
  startRoom.parentRoom = startRoom;
  connectToOtherRooms(rooms, startRoom);

  // Make extra doors
  var i = EXTRADOORS;
  var limiter = 1000; // protection from an infinite loop
  while (i > 0 && limiter > 0) {
    if (connectToRandom(rooms)) {

// Makes tree of rooms
function connectToOtherRooms(rooms, currentRoom) {
  var adyacentRoom = connectToAdyacent(rooms, currentRoom);
  if (adyacentRoom) {
    connectToOtherRooms(rooms, adyacentRoom);
  } else {
    if (currentRoom.parentRoom == currentRoom) {
    } else {
      connectToOtherRooms(rooms, currentRoom.parentRoom);

// Makes door to the adyacent room
function connectToAdyacent(rooms, room) {
  var nonVisitedRooms = rooms.filter(o => o != room && !o.parentRoom);
  for (var i = 0; i < nonVisitedRooms.length; i++) {
    var nonVisitedRoom = nonVisitedRooms[i];
    if (makeDoor(room, nonVisitedRoom)) {
      nonVisitedRoom.parentRoom = room;
      return nonVisitedRoom;

// Makes door to the random room nearby
function connectToRandom(allRooms) {
  var room = rnd(allRooms.length);
  for (var i = 0; i < allRooms.length; i++) {
    if (makeDoor(allRooms[room], allRooms[i])) {
      return true;
  return false;

// Makes door between two rooms
function makeDoor(room1, room2) {
  var walls = commonWalls(room1, room2);
  if (walls && !foundDoor(walls)) {
    dungeon[walls[0].x][walls[0].y] = 2;
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;

// Checks if there is a door in walls already to avoid double doors
function foundDoor(walls) {
  for (var i = 0; i < walls.length; i++) {
    if (dungeon[walls[i].x][walls[i].y] > 1) {
      return true;
  return false;

// Returns array of cells between two rooms (if any)
function commonWalls(room1, room2) {
  var walls = new Array();
  var per1 = perimeter(room1);
  var per2 = perimeter(room2);
  for (var i = 0; i < per1.length; i++) {
    var common = per2.filter(o => o.x == per1[i].x && o.y == per1[i].y);
    if (common.length > 0) {
  if (walls.length > 0) {
    return walls;
  } else {
    return false;

// Returns array of cells on the external perimeter of room
// Corner cells are excluded, since the door is not made there
function perimeter(room) {
  var per = new Array();
  for (x = room.x; x < room.x + room.width; x++) {
      x: x,
      y: room.y - 1
      x: x,
      y: room.y + room.height
  for (y = room.y; y < room.y + room.height; y++) {
      x: room.x - 1,
      y: y
      x: room.x + room.width,
      y: y
  return per;

// rnd(4): returns 0, 1, 2 or 3
function rnd(ceil) {
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * ceil);

// Several instruments that I need to work with arrays
function arrayInstruments() {

  // Shuffles array in random order
  Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
    var j, temp;
    for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
      j = rnd(this.length);
      temp = this[i];
      this[i] = this[j];
      this[j] = temp;
    return (this);

  // Fills rectangle in 2D-array with filler
  Array.prototype.dup = function(filler, startX, startY, lengthX, lengthY) {
    for (var x = startX; x < startX + lengthX; x++) {
      if (!Array.isArray(this[x])) {
        this[x] = new Array();
      for (var y = startY; y < startY + lengthY; y++) {
        this[x][y] = filler;

  // Checks whether the specified area of the two-dimensional array is free of filler
  // If it is free, it returns true
  Array.prototype.freeRect = function(filler, startX, startY, lengthX, lengthY) {
    for (var x = startX; x < startX + lengthX; x++) {
      for (var y = startY; y < startY + lengthY; y++) {
        if (this[x][y] == filler) {
          return false;
    return true;

  // Returns the coordinates of the largest empty square.
  // If there are several equally large empty squares, returns the coordinates of the random
  Array.prototype.biggestFree = function(filler, startX, startY, lengthX, lengthY) {
    var found = new Array();
    for (biggest = Math.min(lengthX, lengthY); biggest > 0; biggest--) {
      for (var x = startX; x <= startX + lengthX - biggest; x++) {
        for (var y = startY; y <= startY + lengthY - biggest; y++) {
          if (this.freeRect(filler, x, y, biggest, biggest)) {
              x: x,
              y: y
      if (found.length > 0) {
        return {
          biggest: biggest,
          x: found[0].x,
          y: found[0].y



  1. 创建 currentRoom 指向随机初始房间的变量
  2. 设置currentRoom.parentRoom = currentRoom,一个识别初始房间的技巧
  3. currentRoom
    1. list adyacents non-visited rooms (adyNonVisRooms),你可以检查一个房间是否有 parentRoom 属性 定义来查看它是否被访问过
    2. 如果adyNonVisRooms.length > 0
      1. 设置nextRoom = adyNonVisRooms[0](非确定性结果可获得随机房间)
      2. 连接 currentRoomnextRoom 添加门
      3. 设置nextRoom.parentRoom = currentRoom
      4. 设置currentRoom = nextRoom
      5. 转到 3
    3. 如果adyNonVisRooms.length == 0
      1. 如果currentRoom == currentRoom.parentRoom
        1. 列出未访问过的房间(adyNonVisRooms
        2. 如果adyNonVisRooms.length > 0:转到321
        3. if adyNonVisRooms.length == 0: 退出
      2. 如果currentRoom != currentRoom.parentRoom
        1. 设置currentRoom = currentRoom.parentRoom
        2. 转到 3

我有一个工作版本,你需要做一些工作才能获得随机房间位置(函数 connectIfOnTopconnectIfOnRight):Jsfiddle

var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

const DWIDTH = 32; // Dungeon width
const DHEIGHT = 32; // Dungeon height
const ROOMINTERVAL = 8; // Room density (3+)
const MINROOM = 2; // Min room size. Must be ROOMINTERVAL - 2 or bigger


function showDungeon() {
  for (var x = 0; x < DWIDTH; x++) {
    for (var y = 0; y < DHEIGHT; y++) {
      ctx.rect(x * 20, y * 20, 18, 18);
      if (dungeon[x][y] == 1) {
        ctx.fillStyle = "black";
      } else {
        ctx.fillStyle = "lightgrey";

function genDungeon() {

  // Fill dungeon with walls
  dungeon = new Array();
  dungeon.dup(1, 0, 0, DWIDTH, DHEIGHT);

  // Create random seeds of growth in size MINROOM x MINROOM
  var rooms = new Array();
  while (true) {
    var free = dungeon.biggestFree(0, 0, 0, DWIDTH, DHEIGHT);
    if (free.biggest < ROOMINTERVAL) {
    } else {
      roomX = free.x + 1 + rnd(free.biggest - 1 - MINROOM);
      roomY = free.y + 1 + rnd(free.biggest - 1 - MINROOM);
      dungeon.dup(0, roomX, roomY, MINROOM, MINROOM);
        x: roomX,
        y: roomY,
        width: MINROOM,
        height: MINROOM,
        delete: "no"

  var finalRooms = [];

  // Now we have seeds of growth in array rooms.
  // Lets try to expand seeds by moving their walls
  while (rooms.length > 0) {
    for (i = 0; i < rooms.length; i++) {
      // Determine the directions in which the room can grow 
      var dirs = [];
      if (rooms[i].x >= 2 && dungeon.freeRect(0, rooms[i].x - 2, rooms[i].y - 1, 1, rooms[i].height + 2)) {
      if (rooms[i].x + rooms[i].width < DWIDTH - 1 && dungeon.freeRect(0, rooms[i].x + rooms[i].width + 1, rooms[i].y - 1, 1, rooms[i].height + 2)) {
      if (rooms[i].y >= 2 && dungeon.freeRect(0, rooms[i].x - 1, rooms[i].y - 2, rooms[i].width + 2, 1)) {
      if (rooms[i].y + rooms[i].height < DHEIGHT - 1 && dungeon.freeRect(0, rooms[i].x - 1, rooms[i].y + rooms[i].height + 1, rooms[i].width + 2, 1)) {

      // Now expand room in random direction
      if (dirs.length > 0) {
        if (dirs[0] == 'left') {
          dungeon.dup(0, rooms[i].x - 1, rooms[i].y, 1, rooms[i].height);
        if (dirs[0] == 'right') {
          dungeon.dup(0, rooms[i].x + rooms[i].width, rooms[i].y, 1, rooms[i].height);
        if (dirs[0] == 'up') {
          dungeon.dup(0, rooms[i].x, rooms[i].y - 1, rooms[i].width, 1);
        if (dirs[0] == 'down') {
          dungeon.dup(0, rooms[i].x, rooms[i].y + rooms[i].height, rooms[i].width, 1);
      } else {
        rooms[i].delete = "yes";
      finalRooms = finalRooms.concat(rooms.filter(o => o.delete == "yes"));
      rooms = rooms.filter(o => o.delete == "no");

  var startRoom = finalRooms[0];
  startRoom.parentRoom = startRoom;
  connectToOtherRooms(dungeon, finalRooms, startRoom);

function connectToOtherRooms(dungeon, allRooms, currentRoom) {
  var adyacentRoom = connectToAdyacent(dungeon, allRooms, currentRoom);
  if (adyacentRoom) {
    connectToOtherRooms(dungeon, allRooms, adyacentRoom);
  } else {
    if (currentRoom.parentRoom == currentRoom) {
    } else {
      connectToOtherRooms(dungeon, allRooms, currentRoom.parentRoom);

// {x: 9, y: 12, width: 3, height: 6, delete: "yes"}

function connectToAdyacent(dungeon, allRooms, room) {
  var nonVisitedRooms = allRooms.filter(function(r) {
    return (r != room) && !r.parentRoom;
  for (var i = 0; i < nonVisitedRooms.length; i++) {
    var nonVisitedRoom = nonVisitedRooms[i];
    if (connectIfAdyacent(dungeon, room, nonVisitedRoom)) {
      nonVisitedRoom.parentRoom = room;
      return nonVisitedRoom;

function connectIfAdyacent(dungeon, room1, room2) {
  return connectIfOnTop(dungeon, room1, room2) ||
    connectIfOnTop(dungeon, room2, room1) ||
    connectIfOnRight(dungeon, room1, room2) ||
    connectIfOnRight(dungeon, room2, room1);

function connectIfOnTop(dungeon, roomBase, room) {
  var roomBase_x1 = roomBase.x - 1;
  var roomBase_x2 = roomBase.x + roomBase.width;
  var roomBase_y1 = roomBase.y - 1;
  //var roomBase_y2 = roomBase.y + roomBase.height;

  var room_x1 = room.x - 1;
  var room_x2 = room.x + room.width;
  var room_y1 = room.y - 1;
  var room_y2 = room.y + room.height;

  if (
    room_y2 == roomBase_y1 &&
    (room_x1 < (roomBase_x2 - 1)) &&
    (room_x2 > (roomBase_x1 + 1))
  ) {
    dungeon[Math.max(room_x1, roomBase_x1) + 1][room_y2] = 0;
    return true;

function connectIfOnRight(dungeon, roomBase, room) {
  var roomBase_x1 = roomBase.x - 1;
  //var roomBase_x2 = roomBase.x + roomBase.width;
  var roomBase_y1 = roomBase.y - 1;
  var roomBase_y2 = roomBase.y + roomBase.height;

  var room_x1 = room.x - 1;
  var room_x2 = room.x + room.width;
  var room_y1 = room.y - 1;
  var room_y2 = room.y + room.height;

  if (
    room_x2 == roomBase_x1 &&
    (room_y1 < (roomBase_y2 - 1)) &&
    (room_y2 > (roomBase_y1 + 1))
  ) {
    dungeon[room_x2][Math.max(room_y1, roomBase_y1) + 1] = 0;
    return true;

// rnd(4): returns 0, 1, 2 or 3
function rnd(ceil) {
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * ceil);

// Several instruments that I need to work with arrays
function arrayInstruments() {

  // Shuffles array in random order
  Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
    var j, temp;
    for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
      j = rnd(this.length);
      temp = this[i];
      this[i] = this[j];
      this[j] = temp;
    return (this);

  // Fills rectangle in 2D-array with filler
  Array.prototype.dup = function(filler, startX, startY, lengthX, lengthY) {
    for (var x = startX; x < startX + lengthX; x++) {
      if (!Array.isArray(this[x])) {
        this[x] = new Array();
      for (var y = startY; y < startY + lengthY; y++) {
        this[x][y] = filler;

  // Checks whether the specified area of the two-dimensional array is free of filler
  // If it is free, it returns true
  Array.prototype.freeRect = function(filler, startX, startY, lengthX, lengthY) {
    for (var x = startX; x < startX + lengthX; x++) {
      for (var y = startY; y < startY + lengthY; y++) {
        if (this[x][y] == filler) {
          return false;
    return true;

  // Returns the coordinates of the largest empty square.
  // If there are several equally large empty squares, returns the coordinates of the random
  Array.prototype.biggestFree = function(filler, startX, startY, lengthX, lengthY) {
    var found = new Array();
    for (biggest = Math.min(lengthX, lengthY); biggest > 0; biggest--) {
      for (var x = startX; x <= startX + lengthX - biggest; x++) {
        for (var y = startY; y <= startY + lengthY - biggest; y++) {
          if (this.freeRect(filler, x, y, biggest, biggest)) {
              x: x,
              y: y
      if (found.length > 0) {
        return {
          biggest: biggest,
          x: found[0].x,
          y: found[0].y
* {
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;

canvas {
  background: eee;
  display: block;
  margin: 0 auto;

  <title>Maze Generator</title>
  <meta charset="utf-8" />

  <div style="padding: 15;">
    <canvas id="canvas" width="640" height="640" style="background: lightgrey"></canvas>
