使用 FsUnit.Xunit 断言异常消息

Asserting exception message using FsUnit.Xunit

我正在尝试使用 FsUnit.Xunit 断言某种异常类型和消息。 FsUnit 附带了一些 throwWithMessage 函数。但是,当使用它而不是 throw 函数时,fsc 会发出以下错误:

C:\src\foo.fs(29,12): error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type '(unit -> unit) -> 'a' but here has type 'unit' 
C:\src\foo.fs(29,19): error FS0001: The type ''a -> NHamcrest.Core.CustomMatcher<obj>' is not compatible with the type 'NHamcrest.IMatcher<obj>' 
C:\src\foo.fs(29,12): error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type '(unit -> unit) -> 'a' but here has type 'unit'


let ``Some test`` () =
    (fun () -> This.Throws("a", 10) |> ignore)
    |> should throwWithMessage "Some message" typeof<ArgumentException> //This is line 29
     //^ column index 12 is here
            //^ here is column index 19




let ``Some test`` () =
    (fun () -> This.Throws("a", 10) |> ignore)
    |> should (throwWithMessage "Some message") typeof<ArgumentException>