如何使用 Apache Beam (Java) 进行异步 Http 调用?

How to do Async Http Call with Apache Beam (Java)?

输入PCollection是http请求,是一个有界数据集。我想在 ParDo 中进行异步 http 调用 (Java),解析响应并将结果放入输出 PCollection。我的代码如下。获取异常如下。


java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't add element ValueInGlobalWindow{value=streaming.mapserver.backfill.EnrichedPoint@2c59e, pane=PaneInfo.NO_FIRING} to committed bundle in PCollection Call Map Server With Rate Throttle/ParMultiDo(ProcessRequests).output [PCollection]


public class ProcessRequestsFn extends DoFn<PreparedRequest,EnrichedPoint> {
    private static AsyncHttpClient _HttpClientAsync;
    private static ExecutorService _ExecutorService;


    AsyncHttpClientConfig cg = config()
            .addRequestFilter(new RateLimitedThrottleRequestFilter(100,1000))

    _HttpClientAsync = asyncHttpClient(cg);

    _ExecutorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();


public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {

    PreparedRequest request = c.element();

    if(request == null)

            .thenApply(response -> { if(response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatusCodes.STATUS_CODE_OK){
                                                return response.getResponseBody();
                                            } return null; } )
                        List<EnrichedPoint> resList = new ArrayList<>();
                        /*some process logic here*/
                        System.out.printf("%d enriched points back\n", result.length());
                        return resList;

            .thenAccept(resList -> {
                for (EnrichedPoint enrichedPoint : resList) {
                return null;


Scio library implements a DoFn which deals with asynchronous operations. The BaseAsyncDoFn might provide you the handling you need. Since you're dealing with CompletableFuture also take a look at the JavaAsyncDoFn.

请注意,您不一定需要使用 Scio 库,但您可以采用 BaseAsyncDoFn 的主要思想,因为它独立于 Scio 库的其余部分。

您遇到的问题是您在 processElementfinishBundle 调用的上下文之外输出。

您需要将所有输出收集到内存中,并在以后的 processElement 调用期间急切地输出它们,并在 finishBundle 结束时通过阻塞直到所有调用完成。