MPI 程序运行时错误 MPI_GATHER,qsub mpijobparallel

MPI program runtime error MPI_GATHER, qsub mpijobparallel

我正在尝试运行这个快速傅里叶实现代码。它编译正常,但在 运行 时出现此错误。我不知道错误或它的含义。谁能帮我吗? 我通过以下方式编译并 运行 程序:

mpicc -o exec test.c

代码: 这是我在 GITHUB 上找到的代码。它是快速傅里叶算法的并行版本。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <mpi.h> //To use MPI
#include <complex.h> //to use complex numbers
#include <math.h>   //for cos() and sin()
#include "timer.h" //to use timer

#define PI 3.14159265
#define bigN 16384 //Problem Size
#define howmanytimesavg 3 

int main()
int my_rank,comm_sz;
MPI_Init(NULL,NULL); //start MPI
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&comm_sz);   ///how many processes are we 
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&my_rank);   //which process is this?
double start,finish;
double avgtime = 0;
FILE *outfile;
int h;
if(my_rank == 0) //if process 0 open outfile
    outfile = fopen("ParallelVersionOutput.txt", "w"); //open from current 
for(h = 0; h < howmanytimesavg; h++) //loop to run multiple times for AVG 
    if(my_rank == 0) //If it's process 0 starts timer
        start = MPI_Wtime();
    int i,k,n,j; //Basic loop variables

    double complex evenpart[(bigN / comm_sz / 2)]; //array to save the data 
    double complex oddpart[(bigN / comm_sz / 2)]; //array to save the data 
    double complex evenpartmaster[ (bigN / comm_sz / 2) * comm_sz]; //array 
to save the data for EVENHALF
    double complex oddpartmaster[ (bigN / comm_sz / 2) * comm_sz]; //array 
to save the data for ODDHALF
    double storeKsumreal[bigN]; //store the K real variable so we can abuse 
    double storeKsumimag[bigN]; //store the K imaginary variable so we can 
abuse symmerty

    double subtable[(bigN / comm_sz)][3]; //Each process owns a subtable 
from the table below 

    double table[bigN][3] = //TABLE of numbers to use
                         0,3.6,2.6, //n, Real,Imaginary CREATES TABLE
        if(bigN > 8)  //Everything after row 8 is all 0's
            for(i = 8; i < bigN; i++)
                table[i][0] = i;
                for(j = 1; j < 3;j++)
                    table[i][j] = 0.0; //set to 0.0
    int sendandrecvct = (bigN / comm_sz) * 3; //how much to send and 
MPI_Scatter(table,sendandrecvct,MPI_DOUBLE,subtable,sendandrecvct,MPI_DOUBLE,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); //scatter the table to subtables
    for (k = 0; k < bigN / 2; k++) //K coeffiencet Loop 
                /* Variables used for the computation */
        double sumrealeven = 0.0; //sum of real numbers for even
        double sumimageven = 0.0; //sum of imaginary numbers for even
        double sumrealodd = 0.0; //sum of real numbers for odd
        double sumimagodd = 0.0; //sum of imaginary numbers for odd

        for(i = 0; i < (bigN/comm_sz)/2; i++) //Sigma loop EVEN and ODD
            double factoreven , factorodd = 0.0;
            int shiftevenonnonzeroP = my_rank * subtable[2*i][0]; //used to shift index numbers for correct results for EVEN.
            int shiftoddonnonzeroP = my_rank * subtable[2*i + 1][0]; //used to shift index numbers for correct results for ODD.

            /* -------- EVEN PART -------- */
            double realeven = subtable[2*i][1]; //Access table for real number at spot 2i
            double complex imaginaryeven = subtable[2*i][2]; //Access table for imaginary number at spot 2i
            double complex componeeven = (realeven + imaginaryeven * I); //Create the first component from table
            if(my_rank == 0) //if proc 0, dont use shiftevenonnonzeroP
                factoreven = ((2*PI)*((2*i)*k))/bigN; //Calculates the even factor for Cos() and Sin()                                      
                            //   *********Reduces computational time*********
            else //use shiftevenonnonzeroP
                factoreven = ((2*PI)*((shiftevenonnonzeroP)*k))/bigN; //Calculates the even factor for Cos() and Sin()                                      
                            //   *********Reduces computational time*********
            double complex comptwoeven = (cos(factoreven) - (sin(factoreven)*I)); //Create the second component

            evenpart[i] = (componeeven * comptwoeven); //store in the evenpart array

            /* -------- ODD PART -------- */
            double realodd = subtable[2*i + 1][1]; //Access table for real number at spot 2i+1
            double complex imaginaryodd = subtable[2*i + 1][2]; //Access table for imaginary number at spot 2i+1
            double complex componeodd = (realodd + imaginaryodd * I); //Create the first component from table
            if (my_rank == 0)//if proc 0, dont use shiftoddonnonzeroP
                factorodd = ((2*PI)*((2*i+1)*k))/bigN;//Calculates the odd factor for Cos() and Sin()                                       
                            // *********Reduces computational time********* 
            else //use shiftoddonnonzeroP
                factorodd = ((2*PI)*((shiftoddonnonzeroP)*k))/bigN;//Calculates the odd factor for Cos() and Sin()                                      
                            // *********Reduces computational time*********

            double complex comptwoodd = (cos(factorodd) - (sin(factorodd)*I));//Create the second component

            oddpart[i] = (componeodd * comptwoodd); //store in the oddpart array

        /*Process ZERO gathers the even and odd part arrays and creates a evenpartmaster and oddpartmaster array*/
        MPI_Gather(evenpart,(bigN / comm_sz / 2),MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX,evenpartmaster,(bigN / comm_sz / 2), MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        MPI_Gather(oddpart,(bigN / comm_sz / 2),MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX,oddpartmaster,(bigN / comm_sz / 2), MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);

        if(my_rank == 0)
            for(i = 0; i < (bigN / comm_sz / 2) * comm_sz; i++) //loop to sum the EVEN and ODD parts
                sumrealeven += creal(evenpartmaster[i]); //sums the realpart of the even half
                sumimageven += cimag(evenpartmaster[i]); //sums the imaginarypart of the even half
                sumrealodd += creal(oddpartmaster[i]); //sums the realpart of the odd half
                sumimagodd += cimag(oddpartmaster[i]); //sums the imaginary part of the odd half
            storeKsumreal[k] = sumrealeven + sumrealodd; //add the calculated reals from even and odd
            storeKsumimag[k]  = sumimageven + sumimagodd; //add the calculated imaginary from even and odd
            storeKsumreal[k + bigN/2] = sumrealeven - sumrealodd; //ABUSE symmetry Xkreal + N/2 = Evenk - OddK
            storeKsumimag[k + bigN/2] = sumimageven - sumimagodd; //ABUSE symmetry Xkimag + N/2 = Evenk - OddK
            if(k <= 10) //Do the first 10 K's
                if(k == 0)
                    fprintf(outfile," \n\n TOTAL PROCESSED SAMPLES : %d\n",bigN);
                fprintf(outfile,"XR[%d]: %.4f XI[%d]: %.4f \n",k,storeKsumreal[k],k,storeKsumimag[k]);
    if(my_rank == 0)
        GET_TIME(finish); //stop timer
        double timeElapsed = finish-start; //Time for that iteration
        avgtime = avgtime + timeElapsed; //AVG the time 
        fprintf(outfile,"Time Elaspsed on Iteration %d: %f Seconds\n", (h+1),timeElapsed);
if(my_rank == 0)
    avgtime = avgtime / howmanytimesavg; //get avg time
    fprintf(outfile,"\nAverage Time Elaspsed: %f Seconds", avgtime);
    fclose(outfile); //CLOSE file ONLY proc 0 can.
MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); //wait to all proccesses to catch up before finalize
MPI_Finalize(); //End MPI
return 0;


Fatal error in PMPI_Gather: Invalid datatype, error stack:
PMPI_Gather(904): MPI_Gather(sbuf=0x7fffb62799a0, scount=8192, 
MPI_DATATYPE_NULL, rbuf=0x7fffb6239980, rcount=8192, MPI_DATATYPE_NULL, 
root=0, MPI_COMM_WORLD) failed
PMPI_Gather(815): Datatype for argument sendtype is a null datatype
[unset]: write_line error; fd=-1 buf=:cmd=abort exitcode=537490947
system msg for write_line failure : Bad file descriptor

您的代码中没有MPI_DATATYPE_NULL,但您只使用了MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX。请注意,后一种类型是 Fortran 数据类型,在 C 中使用它严格来说是不正确的。

我的猜测是 MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX 导致了问题(类型未定义或未初始化,因为您调用了 MPI_Init()C 版本)。

您显然可以用 Fortran 重写您的代码,或者将您自己的派生数据类型用于 C 双精度复数。

同时,我建议您编写简单的 CFortran helloworld 程序,使用 MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX(例如一个元素的 MPI_Bcast())来确认问题出在MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX 并限制为 C 或不。