如何使用预定义的字母表对 unicode 中的字符串进行排序?

How to sorting strings in unicode using a predefined alphabet?

我有一个 mysql table,其中包含使用 š 等符号的 unicode 单词。 table中的列定义为utf8mb4_general_ci并识别上面的符号。


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf8mb4">

此网页包含向 php 页面发送数据的表单。在 php 页面的开头,我输入:


在此页面中,我进行了 mysql 搜索并得到了一个数组,这个数组 ($result) 必须使用我拥有的字符查找数组按其键排序produced 其中包括单字节和多字节字符。


Array ( 
[nṯr] => Array ( [0] => Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176b [1] => Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1 ) 
[n] => Array ( [0] => Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c [1] => Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1 [2] => Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,2 ) 
[nḫȝḫȝ] => Array ( [0] => Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c ) 
[nwj] => Array ( [0] => Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c ) 
[nfr] => Array ( [0] => Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c [1] => Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,2 ) 
[nḥḥ] => Array ( [0] => Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176e [1] => Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1 [2] => Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1 ) 
[nḏ] => Array ( [0] => Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1 ) 


uksort($result, 'compare_keys_by_alphabet');


function compare_keys_by_alphabet($a, $b)
    static $alphabet = array( 1 => "-" , 2 => "," , 3 => ".", 4 => "ȝ", 5 => "j", 6 => "ʿ", 7 => "w", 8 => "b", 9 => "p", 10 => "f", 11 => "m", 12 => "n", 13 => "r", 14 => "h", 15 => "ḥ", 16 => "ḫ", 17 => "ẖ", 18 => "s", 19 => "š", 20 => "q", 21 => "k", 22 => "g", 23 => "t", 24 => "ṯ", 25 => "d", 26 => "ḏ", 27 => "⸗", 28 => "/", 29 => "(", 30 => ")", 31 => "[", 32 => "]", 33 => "<", 34 => ">", 35 => "{", 36 => "}", 37 => "'", 38 => "*", 39 => "#", 40 => "I", 41 => "0", 42 => "1", 43 => "2", 44 => "3", 45 => "4", 46 => "5", 47 => "6", 48 => "7", 49 => "8", 50 => "9", 51 => "&", 52 => "@", 53 => "%");

    return compare_by_alphabet($alphabet, $a, $b);


function compare_by_alphabet(array $alphabet, $str1, $str2) {
    $c = max(strlen($str1), strlen($str2));

    for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
        $s1 = $str1[$i];
        $s2 = $str2[$i];
        //if ($s1===$s2) continue;
        $i1 = array_search($s1, $alphabet);
        //if ($i1===false) continue;
        $i2 = array_search($s2, $alphabet);
        //sif ($i2===false) continue;
        if ($i2==$i1) continue;
        if ($i1 < $i2) return -1;
        else return 1;
    return 0;

这与非 unicode 字母完美结合:

static $alphabet2 = array( 1 => '-' , 2 => ',' , 3 => '.' , 4 => "A", 5 => "j", 6 => "a", 7 => "w", 8 => "b", 9 => "p", 10 => "f", 11 => "m", 12 => "n", 13 => "r", 14 => "h", 15 => "H", 16 => "x", 17 => "X", 18 => "s", 19 => "S", 20 => "q", 21 => "k", 22 => "g", 23 => "t", 24 => "T", 25 => "d", 26 => "D", 27 => "=", 28 => "/", 29 => "(", 30 => ")", 31 => "[", 32 => "]", 33 => "<", 34 => ">", 35 => "{", 36 => "}", 37 => "'", 38 => "*", 39 => "#", 40 => "I", 41 => "1", 42 => "2", 43 => "3", 44 => "4", 45 => "5", 46 => "6", 47 => "7", 48 => "8", 49 => "9", 50 => "0", 51 => "&", 52 => "@", 53 => "%");

但是一旦我将 alphabet2 中的 H (nr 15) 替换为 alphabet1 中的 ,它就不再起作用了。


我试图查看 unicode 规范化;但我真的只是一个业余爱好者,所以这很难。



我对你的代码进行了一些改动。我不喜欢调用函数的函数,我把你的查找数组压缩成一个 space-led 字符串。这将起到与从 1 开始的索引数组相同的效果。将查找从数组转换为字符串意味着我可以使用 mb_strpos() 而不是 array_search()

在代码中修复的关键点在于循环,特别是访问带有 [$i] 的字母。您看,您不能将这些多字节字符视为单字节字符——您必须使用 mb_substr() 来访问 "whole" 字母。

设置 $alphabetencoding 的值意味着,您不必编写第二个 "helper" 函数来传递所有必要的数据。 uksort() 将通过其预期的两个参数,一切都会顺利进行。

最后一条建议是:mb_ 函数很昂贵,所以总是尽量 return 在你的代码中尽快 mb_ 函数 "downscript"只要逻辑上可能。


function alphabetize_custom($a, $b, $alphabet = " -,.ȝjʿwbpfmnrhḥḫẖsšqkgtṯdḏ⸗/()[]<>{}'*#I0123456789&@%", $encoding = 'UTF-8') {
    //echo "\n----\n$a =vs= $b";
    $mb_length = max(mb_strlen($a, $encoding), mb_strlen($b, $encoding));
    for ($i = 0; $i < $mb_length; ++$i) {
        //echo "\n";
        $a_char = mb_substr($a, $i, 1, $encoding);
        $b_char = mb_substr($b, $i, 1, $encoding);
        //echo "$a_char -vs- $b_char\n";
        //echo "(" , mb_strlen($a_char, $encoding), " & ", mb_strlen($b_char, $encoding), ")\n";
        if ($a_char === $b_char) {/*echo "identical, continue";*/ continue;}
        if (!mb_strlen($a_char, $encoding)) { /* echo "a is empty -1";*/ return -1;}
        if (!mb_strlen($b_char, $encoding)) { /*echo "b is empty 1";*/ return 1;}
        $a_offset = mb_strpos($alphabet, $a_char, 0, $encoding);
        $b_offset = mb_strpos($alphabet, $b_char, 0, $encoding);
        //echo "[" , $a_offset, " & ", $b_offset, "]\n";
        if ($a_offset == $b_offset) { /*echo "== offsets, continue";*/ continue;}
        if ($a_offset < $b_offset) { /*echo "a offset -1";*/ return -1;}
        //echo "b offset 1";
        return 1;
    //echo "0";
    return 0;

$result = [
    "nṯr" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176b", "Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1"],
    "n" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c", "Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1", "Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,2"],
    "nḫȝḫȝ" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c"],
    "nwj" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c"],
    "nfr" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c", "Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,2"],
    "nḥḥ" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176e", "Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1", "Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1"],
    "nḏ" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1"]

uksort($result, 'alphabetize_custom');



array (
  'n' => 
  array (
    0 => 'Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c',
    1 => 'Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1',
    2 => 'Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,2',
  'nwj' => 
  array (
    0 => 'Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c',
  'nfr' => 
  array (
    0 => 'Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c',
    1 => 'Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,2',
  'nḥḥ' => 
  array (
    0 => 'Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176e',
    1 => 'Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1',
    2 => 'Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1',
  'nḫȝḫȝ' => 
  array (
    0 => 'Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c',
  'nṯr' => 
  array (
    0 => 'Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176b',
    1 => 'Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1',
  'nḏ' => 
  array (
    0 => 'Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1',

只是为了比较,我写了一个替代代码块,它使用 array_search() 作为您的原始代码,毫不奇怪,根据 3v4l.org 上的速度测试,它似乎更有效率。这可能是由于删除了几个 4 mb_ 函数,我之前提到的是 "expensive"。以下片段提供了相同的输出。


function alphabetize_custom($a, $b) {
    $alphabet = [' ', '-', ',', '.', 'ȝ', 'j', 'ʿ', 'w', 'b', 'p', 'f', 'm', 'n', 'r', 'h', 'ḥ', 'ḫ', 'ẖ', 's', 'š', 'q', 'k', 'g', 't', 'ṯ', 'd', 'ḏ', '⸗', '/', '(', ')', '[', ']', '<', '>', '{', '}', "'", '*', '#', 'I', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '&', '@', '%'];
    unset($alphabet[0]);  // removes dummy first key, effectively starting the keys from 1
    $encoding = 'UTF-8';

    $mb_length = max(mb_strlen($a, $encoding), mb_strlen($b, $encoding));
    for ($i = 0; $i < $mb_length; ++$i) {
        $a_char = mb_substr($a, $i, 1, $encoding);
        $b_char = mb_substr($b, $i, 1, $encoding);
        if ($a_char === $b_char) continue;

        $a_key = array_search($a_char, $alphabet);
        $b_key = array_search($b_char, $alphabet);
        if ($a_key === $b_key) continue;

        return $a_key - $b_key;
    return 0;

$result = [
    "nṯr" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176b", "Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1"],
    "n" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c", "Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1", "Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,2"],
    "nḫȝḫȝ" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c"],
    "nwj" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c"],
    "nfr" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176c", "Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,2"],
    "nḥḥ" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,176e", "Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1", "Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1"],
    "nḏ" => ["Ka.C.Coptite.urkVIII,177,1"]

uksort($result, 'alphabetize_custom');


meta标签中的charset需要为UTF-8。外界是这么说的; MySQL 称之为 utf8mb4.

在 MySQL 内,声明要使用 COLLATION utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci 排序的列的排序规则。这样,MySQL 可以为您完成工作:

SELECT ... ORDER BY col ...