Swift 日历日期通过将小时设置为 0 更改日期

Swift Calendar Date By Setting Hour To 0 Changes Day


let date = Date()
let midnight = Calendar.current.date(bySetting: .hour, value: 0, of: date)!
let difference = Int64(midnight.timeIntervalSince(date))

差异是大约 13 小时的正值(因为现在当地时间大约是上午 11 点)。但是,我希望差异为负 11 小时;因为我将 .hour 值设置为 0 我希望时间会倒退,而不是前进。


let midnight = Calendar.current.date(bySetting: .hour, value: 0, of:
   Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .day, value: 1, to: date)!)!

但是这给出了 +37 小时而不是 +13。



date(bySetting:value:of) 做出了一个最佳猜测,即 "implementation-defined" 根据新参数创建一个新的 Date。通过将 hour 设置为 0 - 有时这会在同一日历日创建一个 Date 并相应地设置 hour ,有时新的 Date 会是明天。听起来这不会为您提供所需的可靠性,但希望它能回答您的问题。



我认为这是预期的,正如 documentation


The algorithm will try to produce a result which is in the next-larger component to the one given (there’s a table of this mapping at the top of this document). So for the “set to Thursday” example, find the Thursday in the Week in which the given date resides (which could be a forwards or backwards move, and not necessarily the nearest Thursday). For more control over the exact behavior, use nextDate(after:matching:matchingPolicy:behavior:direction:).

使用 nextDate(after date: Date, matching components: DateComponents, matchingPolicy: Calendar.MatchingPolicy, repeatedTimePolicy: Calendar.RepeatedTimePolicy = default, direction: Calendar.SearchDirection = default) -> Date? 会产生您所期望的正确结果。


let calendar = Calendar.current
var hourComponent = DateComponents()
hourComponent.hour = 0

let midnightSameDay = calendar.nextDate(after: date,
                                        matching: hourComponent,
                                        matchingPolicy: .nextTime,
                                        direction: .backward)
print(mightnightSameDay) // 2018-04-19 00:00:00 +0000

let midnightNextDay = calendar.nextDate(after: date,
                                        matching: hourComponent,
                                        matchingPolicy: .nextTime,
                                        direction: .forward)
print(mightnightNextDay) // 2018-04-20 00:00:00 +0000


let midnightSameDay = calendar.date(bySettingHour: 0,
                                    minute: 0,
                                    second: 0,
                                    of: date,
                                    direction: .backward)